Jason Todd

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Jason Todd?

The Jason Todd?

The street kid that Bruce adopted a few months ago? 

"What are the odd..." I murmured, Jason looked at me skeptically, " You mention something about your dad."
"Oh yeah, he would totally kill me." He didn't seem as convincing now. "I ran away from home, and I'm so dead if he caught me. He's the scariest person in Gotham."

Well, I meant he was not wrong.

"Yeah but Batman doesn't kill, remember?"
"No shit...... what did you say?" He asked in shock," I mean, I had no idea what you mean."

"There's a long story to tell, Todd." I petted his head pitifully, "it can start with my name. Rachel Grayson."

"Rachel Grayson? I don't know you." He thought hard and I rose my eyebrows at him, " wait, that Rachel Grayson?!"


"The one who got kidnapped three years ago?"
"Yes." I began walking towards my place.

"The one supposed to be missing and dead?"
"Yes." He limped and chased after me.

"The one who is originally the first Robin?"
"No! Where did you hear that?"

"Oh, I'm just asking." He smiled cunningly but tripped himself because of the wound, "A little help please?"
"Get up." I kneeled in front of him, gesturing him to get on my back. He didn't hesitate to jump on.

"Does that make you're my sister?" He whispered in my ear, it tickled.
"I guess so."

The boy was lighter than I thought, it probably because of his lack of nutrition on street.

"So what's the deal with you and the mob boss?" I asked.

"I was stepping up for the innocent, you know, Dark Knight spirit," the young boy smirked.

"And almost got yourself killed? Not too much on the spirit."

"I know, I know. What about you anyway? The whole world thought you were gone, Bruce and Golden Boy had been searching for you years before I got here." asked Jason, his words hit harder than I would've imagined.

Guilt was eating me up everyday, however, I still couldn't  meet the Dynamic Duo yet. Not until I found a cure to my own. With the meta mob boss showing up in Gotham, our meet-up might be post-boned a little.

"I have something to do before I go back," I said.

"What's more important than your family?"

"I can ask you the same Mr-Run-Away," I rolled my eyes, knowing he couldn't see my face on my back. 

"Well, I lived on the street, the whole manor is sorta the coolest or the most overwhelming thing ever happen in my life. I just need to breathe," said Jason. "But you, the Gotham Princess, Batman's beloved, shouldn't be wandering on street like some random dude."

I didn't bother to answer him, there were just way too many to be explained, but not enough word for it. 

"One more question then I'm dropping you to Jim Gordon," I lifted him up higher as we arrived beneath my building. I patched him up shortly after our arrival, the kid didn't even filched from the pain. 

"This place is......" said Jason.


"Small, actually, but yes." He made himself comfortable on the only bed, it didn't even have bedsheet yet. "I've seen worse, does the bed smell like rotten cabbage to you?"

"I just moved in this morning, so sorry I don't have time to clean this mess yet," I said, while cutting off the piece of clothes that had the mob boss's blood on it. "Look kid, I've got works to do. You can live here as you want, but never tail on me to the Bats, including Alfred."

"Great, I can get used to this place." I saw him buried his face into the pillow with a huge grin on his face. He sounded like Dick for a second.

"Is there a way that I can contact you while you're, y'know ,at work?" he asked.

It reminded me on my private, I pulled it out from my suitcase, and surprisingly, Batman called. 

"Shit, your dad's calling, be quiet," I said to the kid rolling on my bed and answered the phone. "What's up, B?"

"There is a mission requires your present , report in the Mountain in 10 minutes," said Batman in his usual stone-cold tone, but I knew how much of a caring man he is beneath the scowl. 

"I'll be there."

"What's the mission?" asked Jason, after I ended the call. 

"He didn't say," I told him. "But I might be out of town for a few days, so you should go back to the Manor."

"What? No way! I just get out of there," moaned Jason. "I'm living here now."

"You are not," I rolled my eyes and taking out my clothes to get ready. "And don't roll on the bed, you'll break the stitches."

"Maybe I can go with you, to the mountain or something," he said excitedly, almost jumping. "It's going to be so cool, Dick never let me watch him in action."

"Well, he'd got some good reason," I put on my boat and the blue silk over my utility belt as a final touch. "Call Alfred now."



"Not happening."

Sighing, I pinched my nose hard. Why did boys are always so annoying?

"Fine, you can stay," I sighed in defeat. "But I'm calling for a babysitter."

I called Jamie immediately, almost begging for her help. She said yes after I promised her a 1-week long leading performance in Gotham Theatre next month.

"I gotta go now, Jaime Haly will be here in an hour. Don't touch anything, especially those equipment, it's dangerous," I warned Jason, who nodded with an eye roll. "I'm serious, Jason!"

"And I'm Jason Todd," he smirked. "Relax, I won't touch your toy over there. I will call you if anything happens."

I facepalmed and left the apartment, going to the zeta tube in the Gotham City.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 27 ⏰

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