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Robin POV

"Team, report to the mission room." Batman's voice echoed in the room, finally a mission. We had been grounded since we got caught at Bludhaven, the camping was great,but you can't keep a bird in it's cage. In this case, it's me.

"A mission!" The only one who was more exciting than me, was Wally.

He ran out of the tent in no time and disappeared.
"What a friend." I yawned and crawled out from the tent immediately.

Never be late for Batman.

I went back to my room and put on the suit. Nobody talked about last night after I left. 

"Hurry up."

Maybe after this mission.

It took us 15 minutes to finally show up in the mission room. I could tell Bruce was not upset, but the other might thought the difference.

"There had been a few attempt assassination on Stewart Everwood. He is a professional scientist in Star Lab who specialises in Meta human field. Resources showed he recently invented a vaccine which can eliminate all mutated cell in a meta human."

"That means he finds a way to turn meta human into a non-meta human." I concluded.

"You could've just say human." Artemis said.

"If the formula of the vaccine gets stolen by the Light, they will be able to defeat half of the League!" BlueWing analysed, I was quite impressed by her effective thinking .

"What is the mission, sir?" Kaldur asked.

"You are assigned to protect Dr.Everwood and the vaccine when the League is onto the assassins." Batman continued," I expect better performance from last time. Aqualad you will be in charge."

Aqualad nodded seriously.
"Prepare departure in 10 minutes, I will send the coordinates to Robin's gloves."


"This is my first mission, I hope I won't mess it up." BlueWing murmured next to me as we aboard.
"Relax, we have spent the last week working with each other. I know your fighting style just as you know mine. Plus this is a simple protection mission, we'll manage." I comforted her and tapped her on the shoulder (she was a head taller than me).

We spent the flight studying information of our target, while me and Aqualad discussed for a plan.
"Who are the assassins?" M'gann asked.
"The league of shadow." I answered, noticing everyone's faces turned white,"but they probably send some rookies to kill a scientist. Lucky for him."

"I doubt they would do so. How do you know is them anyway?" BlueWing asked, she had a good point.
"There were their signature weapons left in the scene of crime, Batman's intel confirms it as well." Aqualad added.

"Leaving weapons on ground?" Artemis sneered sarcastically," so their style."

"Then we might be facing an unknown group of enemies, we shall pay extra attention on this mission. Or better, stay convert for the first time." I warned them, especially on our new teammate.

"Sure, what's our plan?" BlueWing looked at Aqualad.

"According to Batman's briefing, the formula and the prototype vaccine are stored in Doctor's personal computer and his vault. We are required to retrieve both of them to the Justice league. Our first priority is to keep Dr.Everwood safe from any potential danger, before he gives us the items and free from harassment."

"Kid Flash, Miss Martian, the two of you will be patrolling around the lab. Report through coms immediately if you see something."
"Superboy, Artemis, you two will be disguised as scientist and janitor, do not engage unless we call for help."
"Robin, you should be around the doctor when he's logging on his computer. BlueWing and I will be guarding the vault, is it clear?"

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