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*Robin POV*
"Who's that?" M'gann rose an eyebrow at me, I was thinking about Rachel, when she was still in Gotham, "She's so pretty."

"Dude, you get a girlfriend?" KF ran to me and put his hand on my shoulder.
"No,ill ." I shoved him off," It's my sister."
"My friend, I wasn't aware that you have a sibling." Kaldur smiled formally and said.

"It was complicat......"
"Man, his sister is super hot."
"What?" "Why would you know that Kid Mouth?" Me and Artemis asked in the same time, her voice covered mine.
"Really? What does she like?" M'gann asked enthusiastically.

"She's like Robin but taller and ten times hotter and prettier!"
I groaned and buried my face in my palm, so not whelm on this topic.
"Team, report in the mission room." Batman's voice echoed in the PA system, we exchanged a nervous look before we walked in.

"Explain." After yesterday, Bruce had returned to his usual deadpanned face, zero temperature in his voice.
"It was my fault that the mission failed." MissM said before Kaldur took the blame," When I saw those people experienced on kid, I was angry and flew to the scientist invisibly . Artemis and Robin tried to warn me but I didn't listen to them, I'm so sorry."

"It wasn't your fault, who would know the guy can detect an invisible Martian?" Conner argued.
"We heard that drug was called crystal, and it killed the boy." Artemis said, "We were just tryna' get more info on it."

"With no sample brought back?" Batman asked calmly," You preformed reckless, put yourself in danger and failed the mission. I'm disappointed with all of you."
We bowed our head and ready for punishment.

"Recognised: BlueWing B08"
We turned and saw BlueWing stepped out of the zeta tube, the girl who saved us, looking happy and excited to be here.
"Meet your new teammate, BlueWing."

"Hi guys!" She smiled lovely and walked to our group.
"As for your punishment, there won't be any mission in the upcoming week, you are required to train in the cave and help BlueWing settle down before the next mission. Same goes to you too, Robin." Batman stared at me, I didn't dare to protest.

"Oh, did I walk in the wrong time?"

"Dismiss." He said.

"Waitttttt, before you go, I had something for you." BlueWing reached to her belt and took out a bag with a single piece of purple-crystal thing.
"What is it?" Kaldur asked.
"Well, someone got to finish the mission. It's called the Synax, a powerful drug that is extremely poisonous." She handed the crystal to Batman,"sorry, I forget about it yesterday."

"Guess the mission wasn't failure after all." Artemis said and crossed her arm in front her chest.
Batman didn't say anything but take the substance and left.

"So, formally introduction. I'm BlueWing as you might already know, I was just recruited by Batman in the interrogation room yesterday." She held her hand in front of her chest, waiting for us. "Do you guys interrogate people often?"

"No, the room was rarely used." Kal answered with a soft smile, "I'm Kaldur'ahm, as know as Aqualad, the current leader of the team."
"Wally, Kid Flash, but you already know it, gorgeous."
"Hi, I'm Miss Martian, you can call me Megan or M'gann."
"I'm Artemis, with or without the mask."

"I'm Robin, no secret id sorry, Bats not allow." I shrugged and noticed BlueWing didn't tell us her real name too.

"It's ok, I can't tell you mine too, but you can call me Blue." She looked like a nice girl and super friendly.
I smirked at her and strangely found that she had a similar smirk on her face too.

"So Blue, where did you come from?" MissM asked when we walked towards the common room.
"It depends," she stopped to think,"some of my family is in Gotham, but I go everywhere in the country."

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