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Ever since that day, when the young assassin attacked me. I felt like someone is stalking me, maybe a shadow haunting me in the dark. Sometimes I would like to think it's a side effect of the poison in my blood, but then I did not experience any other symptoms other than that. My best guesses would be a group of assassins were on my ass, or the dark knight had finally picked up the clue and began to be skeptical about me.

I tried to push everything out of my mind when I was practicing for my show, it was part of the training as well. As an Ariel hammock performer, practicing was extremely important, one mistake, would drop me on the ground, fall to death like my parents did. I lived up their legacy by being a flying performer as I grew up, at the same time, I also took the great risk just like they did. The Flying Graysons did not stop flying as long as I stood on the stage, this was what I had to do for my family.

However, maintaining a secret life and being a popular dancer was harder than I thought. I often got hurt from mission or was too tired to be on show. Jamie, the owner of the troupe, did not say anything. But I knew she was worrying about me, and having difficulty to cover for my constant absence. Therefore, I told both Black Canary and Jamie that I might need a short break after the next mission. My only hope is that nothing would go wrong in the mission at Gotham, my home.

Gotham City

"Remember, the mission is to capture Clayface. Do not do any unnecessary combat or draw any attention." Aqualad said.

"Yes. Clayface might look like a piece of mud, but he's quite tricky and cunning, as he can change his appearance. Try sticking together." Robin added.

"Acknowledge." The team replied.
We stayed silence as we ran through a dark alley at Gotham, Robin stopped to check on his gloves, which indicated the destination was not so far. He pointed at left and continued to be on lead.

We stopped in front of an abandoned warehouse, you would be surprised of how many warehouse was in Gotham.

"Miss M and me will go from the top, to unlocked the door." Robin said through the mind link, I was surprised that Kal' didn't give order.

"Got it." Artemis nodded and she loaded her bow.
"Remember, don't work alone." He repeated the last time before he disappeared in the dark.

Not long after, the sound of unlocking door appeared.
"Kal, should we engage now?" Kid Flash asked.
"I'm sorry, what?" Kaldur looked confused as he asked out loud, he seemed a little off today.

"We're about to attack Clayface, I need you to get your head in the game, ok?" I tapped his shoulder gently.
"Yes, of course. I apologise for my distraction." He said seriously , " We go in on 3, 2,1. Engage."

We pushed the door quietly, opening a small crack that could let us all pass through. Robin and Miss Martian were not here, I assumed they went further to research.
"Something is weird." Suprboy said, "The mind link is off."

"Maybe they were too far to remain contact?" Kid Flash asked.

"I'm going." Superboy ran away with his super speed.
"Shit, I'll go with him." KF ran off as well.
"Wait-" I tried to stop him, but he was indeed the fastest kid on earth.

"Guess that's only three of us now." Artemis observed the warehouse carefully, "stick together, right?"
Aqualad and me nodded and continued the mission, I contacted others via the coms but it only returned buzzing sound. I thought there were some sort of jammer in this place, but it meant we were in the right place.

A sudden noise rang in the north, we didn't hesitate to run to that direction, our teammates might be in danger. We hid behind some cargos when we were close, Aqualad gestured us to stay down.

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