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BlueWing POV
A week since I joined the team, everything was so far so good. Being part of time, made me able to check on Dick whenever I want. Dick had been better than last time we met, he was no longer the little birdie I worried about, instead he was the best in the team. My brother was the first sidekick ever, raised and trained by the greatest detective on earth, yet, none of them had figured my identity.

Today, they decided to throw a beach party since I was taking a day off from my troupe. Much to my surprise, the beach in Happy Harbour was actually decent.

"Hello Megan. We should hit the beach everyday!" M'gann ran to the ocean brightly.

"Again, a moment of silence to our absence comrade." Dick said dramatically with his sunglasses on.

"What's wrong with Wally?" I asked Artemis quietly.
"Summer course. Again.Someone didn't pass their English test and has to stay at school during holiday." She said with a smirk." He already missed the last beach day, poor boy."
"Ha, loser." I teased him and the whole team ended up in laughter.

"Last one to the water do 50 push up!" Robin yelled and already halfway to the sea.
"Hey cheater!" Artemis screamed and stormed off next to me, while Kaldur simply drugged some water to his head using his magic ,"Kal!"

I giggled and jumped in the sea, enjoying the cold water brushing my skin. I used to hate water because I once almost drowned in Gotham pier during a kidnapping. Bruce taught me how to swim afterwards, wasn't the brightest memory I had in my mind.

"Yo." Robin swam to me and tapped my shoulder lightly." I've noticed that you steal my iconic look,Michell."
"Nice try, but wrong. Plus the sunglasses doesn't have your name on it."He had been trying to guess my real name for 2weeks, lucky for me, he failed every time.

"Dammit, I will get it right someday."
"You hope." I splashed water to his face and swam away quickly.
"Arsehole!" He yelled and chased me down.

I dived in the ocean to avoid him, a strong hand caught my arm. I looked up through my sunglasses and saw Kaldur smiling at me.
"You'll never catch me alive!" I screamed back as Kal took me away with his Atlantean swimming ability to the shore.

"Thanks for the ride, Cap." I said as I stepped on the sand again.
"No problem my friend." He said gently before he stunned," Your eyes."
"What? Oh." I reached out my hand and found out my glasses were gone,must've dropped it in the water.

"There it is." I picked it up near the shore and put it back on right away.
"Your eyes are gorgeous, if I may, why would you hide them behind the shade?" Kaldur asked," you don't seem to care when I see your face."

For moment, I stayed silent. Should I tell Kaldur about me? I barely knew him for a week, but then, he was the Atlantis King apprentice and the team leader, definitely trustworthy.

Luckily the conversation was disturbed by an exciting Martian.
"Camping!" She ran to us,"Robin says we should camp outside the mountain tonight."
"Great idea," I replied and walked away from Kaldur," wanna burry Superboy with sand ?"
"That will be hilarious!" M'gann pulled me with her , we all ran back to the gang excitedly.

"Beach Day!" Wally ran to us in a blur, causing wind to blow away all the sand we put on Conner.
"Way to blow the party up, Kid idiot." Artemis said sourly.
"C'mon guys, we can still make a castle ." M'gann tried to comfort her.

"The sun is getting low away, we should get the site ready for tonight." Kaldur suggested, we all nodded in agreement.
"Aw man, I just got here!"

While the super people tidied the beach, me and Artemis went to set up the fire in the camp site. It would be the first camping experience for both of us, since the last they do it, we weren't a member yet.

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