Mission by accident (2)

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Day one, day two, day three.......

A week had passed, no sign of the door opening. We hadn't got anything to eat or drink, the only air conditioner was a tiny rat hole sized vent on the ceiling. Wally had been sleeping due to the lack of energy, M'gann and Conner curled each other in a ball and hadn't moved in hours. Kaldur was dehydrated as well as the two humans in the team, but being an Atlantean made it worse.

Artemis and me obviously had experience of being captured and starved, but that didn't stop us from being weaker than the others.
"When will the league come." M'gann asked almost hopelessly in our mind.
I didn't have the strength to shack my head or shrug, I could barely keep my mind in one piece. Of course, being the only partner of Batman, I had great history with villains. It wasn't the worst condition I'm in, consider none of us were injured.

But still, a week is a week.

I was positive that Batman had been finding us, he was the best detective on earth, after all.
"I'm fine."I said through the mind link as I noticed Conner's concerned face.
"None of us is fine."He said.

I didn't bother to reply him and closed my eyes. No matter how tired I was, I couldn't sleep with the thought of my family worrying me. I had to stay strong for Rae, she might be waiting for me somewhere, starving as we did.

"Did you hear that?" Conner asked in his actual voice.
Honestly, I thought he was hallucinating, but I heard something too. Outside the room, there was sound of fighting and yelling.
"Wait, I hear that too." Artemis got up with her arm, sticking her ears on the wall.

Wally and Kaldur woke up by Artemis's voice which sounded like haven't drink in days. Well, she was.

Something hit on the metal door, Artemis, M'gann and Kaldur stood in defend pose while Conner couldn't do much with him restricted. Wally and me were too exhausted to stand up, I coughed dry as I rolled myself up.

The door opened slowly, it wasn't Batman or any Leaguer. It was a girl looked around the age of Artemis. She wore a black mask which was similar to me, her black hair was tied into a bun, a few of them loosed and dangled next to her face. She was wearing a black tight with a light blue silk wrapped around her hip and waist.

"Oh my god!" She mumbled in shock, looking at us simultaneously and stopped her sight on me.
"Who are you?" Kaldur asked, trying to look as strong as he could.
"BlueWing." She replied, was that the new vigilante popped up around the country?

"Are you guys okay? Oh my lord, I didn't expect to see you guys here." She sounded like a excited but worried fan girl.
"We are trapped here for a week, definitely not okay." Superboy said.
"A week?" She looked shock,"that explained a lot."

She pulled a knife and the team looked at her like they were about to attack. But she walked to the Kryptonian and began to pick the lock, ignoring how surprised the rest of the team were.
"Thanks?" Conner said in confusion while rubbing his wrist.

BlueWing didn't reply but pull out a protein bar from her silk, I suspected there was a utility belt underneath.
"I'm sorry I don't have speedster's bar, I only keep one as a snack." She handed it to Wally, who accepted it doubted.
"I didn't poison it, just eat it. We don't have much time."

"Kid." Kaldur tried to warn KF but he already finished the bar.
Never doubt the speed of Wally eating.
"Aw man, I was starving." He joked and stood up on his legs, he did look better in an instant.

A huge bang noise came from the outside, I tried to stand up again but collapsed immediately.
"We need to get going now." BlueWing said and she carried me in piggyback style before I could protest," Could you guys fight?"

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