Mission by accident (1)

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Five years later
Robin's POV

The team received a covert mission in Bludhaven to investigate a new drug produced by the gang Black Mask. Coverted, ha, it never stayed that way.

We traveled to the city in MissM's bioship, the Martian had a special connection with the ship for being a telepathic.
"We are in a covert mission, your mustard suit doesn't help with the situation at all!" Artemis yelled, pointed to Wally's suit.

"First, it wasn't like we are going to a jungle. And second your green suit doesn't help the situation neither!" Kid Flash yelled back.
I signed as I resisting the urge of facepalming myself, 'they are such a child.'I thought to myself, 'is it what it feels like to take care someone else?'

Recently,I had thought about it a lot, ever since Bruce took Jason in, I kept wondering is parenting this hard as a older brother. Did Rae feel the same when she took care of me? I bet it was.

I remembered how she ran in my room every time when I had a nightmare. How she protected me when there was a kidnap. How she defended me when facing the bullies. And how she hugged me with her shaking arms when our parents died.

Yet, I was a total brat and being a ...dick. I asked her to stop intervening my personal life when she stopped me from being Robin. She hadn't cry or yell, but was discovered being unconscious with an empty bottle of pills later the night. She had depression the whole time, according to Leslie, she saw me as an anchor and with me being Robin, she felt no longer needed so she chose the wrong path.

I was terrified. Even worst than when Joker captured me, I was her little brother but failed to notice her strange action for a year. I recalled what our conversation when she got back from the clinic.

"Rae, I would quit being Robin if that's what you really want." I would do everything just to keep my sister alive, including No Robin.
"No." she said," I thought about it in the hospital, and I know Robin is part of you and I won't take it away."

"I was too blind to see what happened, you bring Zucco to justice, avenged our parents and saved countless life's in the city." She said sincerely, "I should've noticed you have grown, capable to do more than I could imagine. Do what you want, little bird. I'm leaving anyway."

That was three years ago. She left a week later to join the troupe, we never got the chance to restore our relationship and I never apologised for what I said. Two weeks later, she was kidnapped and disappeared from the ground ever since. The police traced her to a secret laboratory that produced drug. When they got there, the place was already empty, with nothing but a trace of blood. The DNA analysis proved that was Rachel Grayson's blood.

The guilt ate me alive every single day. Batman did his best to find her, it was not easy for him either.

"She's not dead." Batman told me. "There was no body or evidence that pointed to her death. It is believed that she's still alive, hiding somewhere."

The only thing I could do was to trust Bruce and not give up on hope. Maybe that was why I broke in a secrete lab with two other protégé without telling the JLA, found a super clone underground and formed a covert team that never stayed covert. The belief of Rae would eventually come back to us, was what kept me going.

"Guys, we're there." M'gann announced as we arrived the sister city of Gotham.
Finally the split fire stopped arguing and Kaldur stood up to run the plan again.
"Robin, Artemis and Miss Martian will go in from the vent, the rest of us will stay outside as back up. Mind link maintains established, and remember, stay covert." Our leader reminded.

"That means no vanishing without warning, Robin." Artemis glared at me, she was still pissed at the last mission when I left her alone in the jungle.
"Right." I let out a chuckle as we departed on a building that was two blocks away from our target.

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