Chapter 1: The Store

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Chris's POV:

it was a normal morning, us getting up, making breakfast, then figuring out our youtube videos. today it was my turn to go to the grocery store, i have to bring Matt with me cause i can't drive, Nick wanted to stay home but i made sure i'd get him a Bang or something. Matt grabs his keys and we start walking to the door.

"bye Nick, we're leaving!" Matt yells from the door while opening it.

"see ya later!" he yells back.

Matt pulls into the store parking lot and i get out to go inside, Matt came with me even though it was my turn. we go in and we start shopping. i grab a couple things, Matt grabs normal needs, i went to go grab Pepsi while Matt goes to get the Bang that i asked him to get for Nick when i see a girl that looks really familiar deciding what soda to get. i thought that she needed help with her decision.

"hey, need help?" i ask, in a calm nice voice.

Y/n's POV:

i went to the store, which i hardly ever do, when i lived with my parents, they normally did the shopping, but then my father recently started drinking and he got my mom to start doing it. i had to move out and get an apartment, but i'm fine with it, i mean i'm 17, i can drive, i got a credit card, i can cook for myself, but i can't do groceries. in the soda section of the store i'm trying to figure out if i should get Pepsi or Dr. Pepper...

while i was trying to decided i noticed a boy walk into the aisle and got Pepsi, i turned away and went back to my decision, he walked up to me and asked, "hey, need help?"

"i'm trying to decide weither i want Pepsi or Dr. Pepper," i say still staring at the soda.

"those are both real good sodas," he says.

"i know right, it's so hard to choose which one i want," i say, i wanted to put out my fist and fist pump him, that's what i do sometimes, but i didn't know him so.

"i say Pepsi, Pepsi is superior," he says putting out his fist, i bumped him like it was no tomorrow.

oh. my. god. i think i have a friend, i don't know who he is but i don't care.

Chris's POV:

i helped her pick out her soda, i went with Pepsi because i got Pepsi. i put my fist out for a fist bump and she immediately fist bumped me back, she was pretty and she loved fist bumped, i think i have a new friend, i don't know her yet but i don't care.

"what's your name?" i ask her while she's grabbing her soda.

"Y/n, Y/n Filipowicz," she says putting the soda in her cart then walking back in my direction.

i knew she looked familiar! she looked like Madi!

"hey, do you have a sister named Madi?" i ask.

"yeah do you know her?" she asks.

"Chris, where have you been i've been waiting at check out," Matt says coming up behind me.

"Matt, this is Y/n, Madi's sister," i say looking at him.

"wait, Madi has a sister?" he asks.

"yup, that would be me, hi," she says shaking his hand.

"i'm Matt, this is Chris," Matt says. "do you know Nick?"

"yeah, Madi talks about him all the time," she says.

"do you have anywhere to go today?" i ask.

"no i was just gonna walk home," she says, she has a cart almost full of stuff and she was gonna walk home.

"your gonna walk home with all that stuff?" Matt asks.

"yeah why not, i don't have car, i normally would take my moms car but i don't live there or my sister anymore," she says, she looked kind of down.

i invited her to come with us and she said yes, she paid for her groceries and we helped with them and she helped with ours. she was really nice and kind, i would do anything to be friends with her, she's almost just like her sister.

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