Chapter 11: Family

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"everybody come here!" Chris yelled.

Nick and Matt came walking in with sodas, snacks, and a whole bunch of other stuff. i was so confused on what was happening.

"aren't you guys supposed to be at a friends house?" i asked.

"yeah we changed it to the day after tomorrow," Matt said.

"you mean Wednesday?" i asked.

"yeah!" he said.

"why didn't you make tomorrow?" i asked helping out with the stuff.

"babe, did you forget?" Chris asked me, i looked at him confused.

"bro, it's your soccer game tomorrow!" Matt said.

shit! with all that's happening now i have a game tomorrow!? "oh yeah!" i said smiling.

all night we were watching movies, drank the soda, had snacks, and laughed. i let the boys stay at my house for the night. Matt stayed in the spare bedroom and my couch in the living room folded out into a bed so Nick slept there. first of all, there was a big debate on who slept on the couch bed, Chris was obviously sleeping with me in my room so he was out. Nick offered for himself to sleep on it but then Matt didn't want Nick too so he offered. that kind of debate. Chris had  to choose for them, he just said it fast.

the next day i had to get up and get my jersey and stuff like that ready for the day. it's a home game thank the good lord, that means the triplets and maybe there parents could come watch me, plus i don't feel like going on a bus. we didn't have school today and i had to be at the field by 2:00.

some time later it's 1:30.

"hey Matt, can you drive me to the field?" i ask him, i lean against the back of the chair that he was sitting on his phone. he looks up at me.

" yeah of course," he says.

"you guys can stay here if you want until game time," i say get my stuff and Matt gets his key. "just don't make a mess." i say glaring at Chris.

"hey! why are you only looking at me!" he exclaims.

"because your the only one that'll do it, idiot," Nick says. "i'll watch him."

you and Matt laugh and leave. the car ride was a little quiet but it was alright, you finally get to the school at 1:55, just in time, you get out and shut the door, Matt puts down the window and you lean up against the door.

"don't fuck up," he says smiling.

"thanks for the inspiring words, Matty," you say laughing.

you leave and go to the field. you run to the bench and get your stuff on, you look at your phone and text Chris real quick.


hey love

what's up?

i just wanted to tell you that you can bring
your parents with you guys if you wanted

yeah we would love too!

awe thank you!

see you soon! 😘

see you soon lovely

i smile and put my phone away, i grab a ball and starts doing some tricks.

"hey! wanna pass?" y/f/n asked. (y/f/n= your friends name)

"yeah sure why not," you say passing her the ball first.

you two start passing and after a while the rest of the team show up and the coach. you and your friend have just been catching up. you guys start actually practicing. about 20 minutes later the other team show up and you start to get a little nervous. you forgot that Chris had your inhaler, you look at the bleachers and see the triplets and their parents sitting and talking, you tell your coach that you'll be a minute. you run to the bleachers and Chris stands up.

"hey what's wrong," he asked.

"inhaler," you say almost having a hard time breathing. Chris takes it out of his pocket it and you use it.

"hey, here's your water," Matt says as he tosses you a water bottle.

"what? i didn't bring one?" you ask looking at your stuff all the way across the field, you looks back to the Sturniolo family.

"nope, Chris noticed that you left it on the counter," Nick said.

you look at Chris and see that he's smiling. you hug him before you start backing up.

"good luck!" Chris yells.

"good luck sweetie, play your hardest!" their mom yells.

you yell thank you and start running back to the bench. you don't know how you got stuck with this family, the kindest, and the sweetest family in the whole world. let's start with Nick, that kid can talk on and on about something and you wouldn't get bored listening to him. he'll make you laugh and he'll make you feel better with just a hug. then there's Matt, Matty B, he's super funny! you can spend all day with him and you will NOT get bored, he thinks he's the most boring triplet out of the three of them but he really isn't. then there's Chris, my boyfriend, it took a while for us to confess our feeling. yes i was the one to ask, but that's besides the point. i love him more than anything. then the parents, i love them more than my own, yes i know my mom passed away and dad is with my sister. i still love them like there my own parents and they think of me as their own. especially Marylou.

i start practicing again and now, it's game time. 😎

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