Chapter 10: Asking

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Nick's POV:

I look at Y/n and Chris, i see Y/n sleeping on the door and Chris looking at her.

"you like her don't you?" i ask.

"maybe...i think i might," Chris sees looking at me.

"ask her out," Matt says.

"don't you two idiots realize it's a bad time?" Chris whisper yells. "her mother is in the hospital and might not make it."

"we know, but there's nothing that Y/n needs other than someone to love like a boyfriend," i say, Chris looks at her, then he looks out his window and crosses his arms. i know he's not mad, he's just confused.

when we get home Y/n still isn't up, i told Chris he should bring her up to a room and lay her down so she doesn't wake up. Chris goes to her and picks her up bridal style and carry's you to the spare bedroom. he lays you down and puts the blanket over you.

"put these with her," i say, standing behind Chris, he takes the squishmellows and puts them with you.

Chris's POV:

me and Nick are leaving when i hear ruffling in behind me.

"Chris...?" Y/n says sleepily.

"yeah?" i ask quietly.

"come here," she says.

i turn to Nick and he nods his head and shuts the door behind him. i walk over to Y/n, she already has her arms open and the blanket open for me. i crawl in next to her and she wraps her arms around me.

"are you okay?" i ask.

"i just wanted to cuddle," she says.

"what do you mean?" i ask, i didn't know what she wanted or what she was saying, i was so confused.

"Chris, will you be my boyfriend?" she says, i feel her move her head and  she looked at me. "if you don't want to then that's fine." she said.

i was just starstruck, i was just looking at her blankly. fuck the plan. fuck Matt and Nick's help, this is gonna happen. she started to turn around to face the other way but before her face could turn i took hand and put it on her chin.

"yes, i would love to be your boyfriend," i say before placing my lips on hers.

"i love you," she says before shoving her head in my chest.

"i love you too, Y/n." i say before we both fall asleep.

the next day

Matt's POV:

July 23rd, 2021, Y/n and Chris officially become a couple! Nick and I have been making fun of him all day, just saying stuff like-

"Chris has a girlfriend! Chris has a girlfriend!" i sang in sing song.

"shut up," Chris says.

"Chris has a girlfriend and it's our best friend!" Nick yells from the other room, Y/n is just sitting between Chris and I laughing holding Chris' hand.

Nick came into the room and grabbed a whisk and put it to his mouth. "Y/n, how does it feel to date a Sturniolo Triplet?"

Nick puts the whisk to Y/n's mouth,"it feels pretty good, having some one there for me and to have good looking best friends who his brothers."

i still couldn't believe that my younger brother got a girlfriend, he really needs to up his game.

a few hours later your at your house

Y/n's POV:

last night i asked Chris to be my boyfriend, i wasn't scared to because Nick told me once that he liked me. i finally went back to my house after a long time. in a span of 2 hours i went to the store, put everything away, and organized my whole house. i finally sat down on the the couch and got a text from Chris.

bold: Chris
plain: Y/n

heyyy babe
whatcha doin?
i just got done cleaning up my house
oh okay, have you heard from Madi?
no, i don't want to, i saw somewhere that my mom died 2 days ago
why didn't you cry?
i don't know, for some reason i didn't feel like it.
okay, i just wanted to say that one of our friends is inviting us over so we aren't gonna be at the house.
for how long?
until 12am

i turned my phone off then, i wasn't mad, but after me finally dating Chris, i would want to spend time with him.

2 hours later

i was laying on my couch scrolling through TikTok when i hear a knock at my door. i stand up and walk to my door, i open it and Chris is standing there with a little bit of puffy eyes.

"hey...what's wrong?" i ask letting him in.

"you stopped talking to me," he said. "i tried texting and calling you but you won't answer me back.."

"hey...i'm sorry that i haven't been answering you," i says holding his hands.

"but why haven't you?" he said looking at me with pleading eyes.

i didn't really have a reason why i wasn't answering him, i mean i did, but i thought that it was a stupid reason.

"because i wanted to hang out with you, but you are going to a friends house," i say.

i know that they want to hang out with there friend and me and Chris just started dating, but oh well, it's been said.

"Y/n...i love you, if you wanted to hang out you should've said so," Chris started to say. "i wouldn't have not gone."

"but i didn't want to take you away from everybody," i say.

"i don't care!" he exclaimed. "hold on i'll be right back."

and just like that he was out the door, i didn't know what was going on so i just stood there. a few minutes have past and Chris still wasn't back, i felt like i was gonna cry, i let him down, i made him cry, i made him feel sorry for me. i should've just answered him all the times he called or texted. i sat on the couch about ready to ball my eyes out then i hear my door swing right open.

"everybody came here!" Chris yelled.

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