Chapter 6: Snap Map

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Chris's POV:

"yeah well.." Madi started to say. "i looked on snap maps and saw that Y/n was here."

me and Matt looked at each other.

"i have to use the bathroom," i say, starting to head upstairs.

i go to my room and open the door, i see Y/n folding some of my clothes, my room looks clean, god damn.

"what are you doing?" i ask.

she looks at me and places a shirt down. "cleaning your room, i have nothing better to do."

"i have your phone," i say taking it out of my pocket. "i made sure Madi wasn't looking when i took it."

"omg thank you so much!" she says, you could tell that she was worried that Madi would see it.

"but i do have something to tell you," i tell her.

Y/n's POV:

"but i do have something to tell you," Chris says.

uh oh, is it about Madi? does she know i'm here? fuck, am i screwed.

"Madi looked at snap maps and saw that you were here," he said, my heart dropped, what was she gonna do to? wait a second, i just realized that i made my snap map so only specific people can see it. the triplets can see it and that's it, not even my friends can see where i am.

"wait, i made my snap map so only you guys can see it," i say looking at Chris, he gave me a confused look.

"how would she be able to see you were here then" he asks.

"i don't know," you reply.

i wanted to go downstairs and talk to her, but i didn't want her to know i'm here. you stay on his bed and tried to think. Chris walked up to you.

"i have to go back downstairs, Matt will be up in a little bit," he said, you nodded your head and he left.

you stood up and finished folding his clothes, about 10 minutes later you were done, you checked your phone and see that you got a text from Madi. you opened it and it read...

bold: Madi
plain: Y/n

are you here?
am i where?
at the Sturniolo's
no why?
where are you then?
at my house?
your snap map says other wise
i'm done with you Madi

you turned off your phone and you started to tear up a little bit, why did she have to be like this? just then the door opened and Matt came through the door.

Matt's POV:

Chris told me that it was my turn to go check on Y/n, so i did, i said i needed to use the bathroom and went upstairs to his room. i opened the door to a teary eyed Y/n sitting on his bed.

"hey hey, what's wrong?" i say sitting on the bed beside her.

"i hate Madi..." she started. "i can't take it anymore, i need to talk to her.."

"you can't talk to her, she can't know your here," i say trying to calm her down. she started to have a hard time breathing.

"i-i have asthma- i- i need my inhaler," she could barely get it out. "go get C-Chris, he has i-it in his p-pocket."

"okay i will right back, try breathing slowly," i say getting up and quickly going out the door.

i go downstairs and thank god Nick and Madi are outside, Chris is in the kitchen on his phone.

"hey, how's Y/n?" he asks. "Madi's leaving in about 20 minutes."

"you gotta go see her, man," i say.

"why what's wrong?" he asks standing up alarmed.

"she can't breathe," i say.

Chris's POV:

"she can't breathe," Matt says.

her asthma! i have her inhaler in my pocket, she gave it to me earlier just in case. Matt and i run upstairs, i open my door, i see Y/n on my bed trying to breathe.

"hey hey hey, breathe slowly, here," i say giving her inhaler and kneeling down in front of her.

she uses it and she calms down a little bit, oh my god that was really scary. i sit beside her and she puts her head on my shoulder, Matt leaves to make it not suspicious.

"are you okay?" i ask.

"thank you so much," she says. "i really couldn't breathe."

"anytime, i am always here for you," i say.

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