Chapter 9: Mall

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Matt's POV:

"no way," i say, Chris and Nick look at me.

"you can read it out loud..." Y/n says under her breathe.

bold: your mom
plain: Y/n

mom is it true? are you in the hospital?
yes it is, Y/n.
why didn't you tell me this?
because i didn't want you to worry
well, i'm already worrying, this is what you get for drinking...
no Y/n it's not that. i got in a car accident
what!? then how are you on your phone?
the doctors let me have it for 10 minutes. today might be my last day... it can't be!
Y/n i have always loved you, the drinking made me like that.
i know it did mom, you can't leave me.
you can't come say goodbye to me, even Madi can't come say bye to me.
im sorry Y/n, i have to go, i love you so much, i will see you soon...

"im so sorry, Y/n..." Nick said.

"it's okay i guess," Y/n said with a tear rolling down her cheek.

"are you still up for today?" Chris asked.

"Chris, that's not really something that you say to someone who's mother is dying," i say.

"yeah im fine for today," she said.

we waited a little bit and she finally said 'let's go'. we left and got in the car, Chris played music and i saw on my rear view mirror that Y/n was singing along and sort of jamming a little to it. i smiled and Chris looked at me, i nodded my head back toward Y/n, he looks back and smiles.

"fuck off, Owen," i hear her say, me and Nick laugh out loud because Chris' middle name is Owen.

"whatever," he said laughing.

we finally made it to the mall, i get a text from Madi and i decide to answer but i really didn't want to, i just wanted to make sure Y/n was alright.

bold: Madi
plain: Matt

what are you guys doing?
not much why?
just wondering
you made it home right?
yup! last night
Madi, you seem to excited...
to excited about what? btw i am excited
i don't know, but your excited about something. oh! your mother, she's in the hospital.
i know! isn't it awesome!

i turn my phone off and catch up to the others, i hand my phone to Chris and tell him to read mine and Madi's recent texts.

Chris's POV:

Matt hands me his phone and tell me to look at his and Madi's recent texts. i turn his phone on and put in his password, i look at the texts and i couldn't be more mad. Matt hits my arm to make me not look mad, then nods his head toward Nick. i hand Nick Matt's phone and say the same thing.

Nick's POV:

i'm walking beside Y/n walking into the mall, Chris hands me Matt's phone and tells me to read  Matt and Madi's recent texts. SHE COULDNT BE MORE HAPPIER!? wtf is wrong with this girl!? this is not the Madi that we met! then Matt texts his phone through Chris' saying 'don't tell Y/n'.

Y/n's POV:

are they playing hot potato with Matt's phone or am i going crazy?

"what are you guys doing?" i ask.

"nothing," Chris says quickly.

okay..? i didn't want to question it, i was already in a bad mood. my moms in the hospital about to die and Madi is NOT helping at ALL! we walk in the mall and i see so many stores that i LOVE, i tap Nick's arm and point to a store that FILLED with squishmellows, then i point to a store next to it that Matt and Chris can go in while me and Nick go look at squishmellows.

"omg yes! we need to go," he says excitedly.

"go where?" Chris asked.

Nick points to the squishmellow store, Matt and Chris frown.

"no i'm not going in there, sorry bud," Matt says.

"don't say sorry to me, it was Y/n's idea," Nick says, Chris and Matt look at me, i was looking them.

"where would we go?" Matt asked Nick, Nick pointed to the store that i pointed to.

"there, you both like that store," Nick started. "while me and Y/n go to the other, either you or us will text you when we're done. then we'll all go to stores we all like."

Chris and Matt look at me, i guess they kind of liked that idea. Chris and Matt went to there store, me and Nick went our store. THERE WERE SO MANY SQUISHMELLOWS!! me and Nick could barely contain ourselves. we made a plan, two squishmellows each.

"should i get this one or this one?" Nick asked me.

"how about both?" i say.

"good idea!" Nick said.

Nick followed through out the store because he already picked out the two he wanted. i was decided between an octopus or a mushroom. i had already picked out a cow, so i can't pick both.

"how about the octopus?" a voice whispered behind me, when i tell you it scared the crap out of me, it scared the crap out of me. i swing around and see Chris smiling and Matt behind him.

"it's my favorite animal," Chris said.

"i thought you guys were at the other store?" i ask.

"yeah, but we got bored," Matt said.

i pick up the octopus and go to pay for my things. we leave the store and go to get something to eat.

after you guys were done at the mall, you were in the van holding one of your squishmellows. you put the squishmellow on the door and fall asleep. Chris looks at you and smile. Nick looks at you, then at Chris.

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