Chapter 2: The Background

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~this is a little bit of a background of your life in a way and what the boys think of you so far. before i go any further in the story, i don't know if you guys will get offended or mad about what the story says about Madi, but i love Madi i think she's awesome, so i'm not trying to be like that. i also know that her parents are probably not like this, it's just for the story. PLUS this is a year before now, so you and the triplets are 17 and Madi is 16 (because she just had her birthday), THANK YOU!!~

712 words

Y/n's POV:

i may be Madi's sister, but that doesn't mean i'm not having problems at home, i live by myself like i said because of my parents drinking addiction. Madi has always been the family favorite, i do well in school, i do my own things, i don't complain, i take care of myself. but Madi has always relied on our parents to do everything for her. yes she's kind and sweet, but not so much to me sometimes.

we arrived at the boys house and walked in. i helped with their groceries and mine were still in the van. another boy walks out of a bedroom and looks at me. i knew him, his name is Nick i believe, Madi talks about how good of friends they are. i've met him before too and he LOVED me.

"omg, Y/n!?" he says, he comes running to me and hugs me , i hug him back, at least i know someone well in this house.

"hey Nick! i missed you!" i says. "i missed you too!" he says

he lets go and looks at the other boys.

"i see you two have met," Chris says.

"yes we have," Nick says walking away to help with the groceries.

Nick's POV:

i hear the door open and bags ruffling, i walk out of my room to help Chris and Matt with the groceries. when i open my door i look to my side and i see a familiar face, Madi's sister, Y/n. i love her, she's really funny and kind, she's a lot like her sister, but is a little bit more responsible if i'm being honest. i know the situation with their parents, Y/n has told me, while Madi wasn't there, that Madi isn't really as responsible as Y/n and i believe her. Y/n lives by herself and she does her own things. Madi lives with her parents and she always relies on there parents. Y/n is 17, our age, and Madi turned 16 not that long ago, Y/n's birthday is on August 1, just like us! isn't that something?

Matt's POV:

Y/n seems really cool and she's also really nice. she acts sort of like her sister. but is more mature. i also learned that, even if i met her 1 hour ago, that she has the same birthday as us! so we're gonna be turning 18 on the same day, same year and everything. i thought that was pretty cool, Chris thought it was awesome. Nick never told us that Madi had a sister and that he met her, MADI never told us that she has a sister, two years older than her. Nick apparently met Y/n before, but yet we haven't?

Chris's POV:

Y/n is REALLY cool and when we found out that her birthday is the same as ours, omg i flipped out. i'm so glad that i found her at the store, me and the boys are getting to know her real well and i'm so happy that we are. okay maybe i am a little mad at Madi that she didn't tell us about her, but i'm not mad at Nick because he didn't know if he should, but it's okay, we met her now and i'm glad that we did. her and i are gonna be good friends i can just tell, we have a lot in common, her and Nick have a lot in common, and her and Matt have a lot in common. i bet she's gonna stick with us and deal with us through and through.

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