Chapter 3: Why?

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Y/n's POV:

after Matt dropped me off at my house i get a call from Nick.

bold: Nick
plain: Y/n

hey what are you doing?
nothing why?
i think you should sit down
why..? Nick what's going on?
Madi just texted me saying that your mom is in the hospital
are you kidding me!? Nick, there in LA, how am i supposed to get there?
i don't know but i think you should talk to Madi
okay, i'll text you later with an update
okay bye love you
love you too, Nick

i stand up and started pacing around the room. omg, what was i gonna do? i loved my mom, but i didn't love her enough to go all the way to LA to see her. i sit back down and pick up my phone, i haven't even put my groceries away. i text Madi

bold: Madi
plain: Y/n

what is wrong with you?
nice to hear from you
so you tell Nick that OUR mother is in the hospital and not YOUR own sister!?
Nick's my best friend, i can tell him anything
i don't care, you need to tell me these things
wait, why are you talking to Nick?
i met the triplets today
WHAT!? no no no you couldn't have
well believe it because i did. you know what i'm done with you, take care of mom for me.

you shut off your phone and went to put your groceries away.

Madi's POV:

did Y/n really meet the triplets today? i hope not, they'd get to hanging out with each other and they wouldn't even ask about me or anything! i text Nick, he said that they did really truly meet Y/n and that she was nice. he said that Matt  and Chris liked her a lot too and that Chris was the one who found her at the store. of course he did, ugh! our mother isn't in the hospital, she's just at the bar drinking with our dad, i only said that so Y/n can get down here to LA because i hate her in Massachusetts!

Chris's POV:

"did you guys like Y/n?" Nick asked me and Matt.

"she's real nice, but why didn't Madi ever talk about her?" Matt asked.

"i don't know, she told me but i didn't know if i was the one to say anything about it," Nick said looking down.

"hey, it's okay, you didn't know," i said trying to comfort him. "i'm a little mad at Madi for not telling us but i'm not mad at you."

i was actually a little mad at Madi, she doesn't keep anything from us and this is something big, i mean this is a person that she hid from us. not to mention she lives in the same TOWN as us and Madi doesn't even say anything about her.

Y/n's POV:

i wanted to text Madi again but i was just mad at her, what if our mother wasn't even sick? what if she's just pretending? i wanted to text Nick but i didn't want to bother him anymore, so i texted Chris.

Chris🤪: your contact for him
Y/n😁: his contact for you

hey are you busy?

no why?

oh thank god, can i come over and talk to you? but only you?

yeah sure, just come to my window.

thank you so much!

you turn off your phone and put on your forces, a hoodie and left your house. you walk there, okay at the beginning i know i said that i can drive, but that doesn't mean i have a car, because i don't. you get to there house and you see Chris' window, you knock on it and he opens it.

"nice to see you here," he says smiling, you smile and roll your eyes.

"help me get through this stupid window," you says.

he helps in the window and i sit on his bed.

"is there something wrong?" he asks with a worried face. "why did you come to me?"

"cause i think i can trust you," i said look at him. "i feel like i can be myself around you, i know i only met you about 5 hours ago and spent 4 with you, but i don't care." you say, he smiles and he gets comfy and so do you.

"so, tell me what's happening, i know that your mom is in the hospital, is it about that?" he asks.

"something about that.." i say nervously.

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