Chapter 14: And Thats It

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i ended up staying the night at the Sturniolo house. this has been a crazy 4 months. i met the Sturniolo Triplets, my mom passed away 3 weeks ago, my sister Madi won't talk to me neither will my dad, i'm dating the best person in the world, and i have the bestest friends in the world. this all happened to me in 4 months, this is crazy.

"babe!" i hear someone yell from downstairs.

it friggin scared me to death, i quickly get up and run downstairs. Matt and Nick are standing at the door with Chris in front of them. Matt turns to me and pulls me aside.

"what's going on?" i ask.

"you have a brother?" he asked.

"what?" i ask surprised, i don't have a brother.

"do you have a brother?" he asked me again.

"no! i don't have a brother," i say.

"then who's at the door?" he asked.

he brings me to the door and Nick and Chris step out of the way. oh. my. god! my father!? why is he saying that he's my brother!? i quickly walk towards him and push him out of the way and shut the door.

"what the hell are you doing?!" i ask.

"i came to get you," he said.

"why the hell are you saying your my brother!?" i ask.

"i thought it would be easier," he said. "now come on your coming home with me, our plane leaves in 30 minutes." he said grabbing my arm.

"no! i'm not going with you!" i exclaim trying to break free.

"your mothers funeral is tomorrow!" he says trying to make me go with him.

"no it's not! it was 2 weeks ago!" i say.

"how do you know that!?" he asked me as he stopped trying to pull me.

"Aunt Sarah sent me a video of the whole thing!" i say breaking free of his grip.

"whatever, come on your coming home," he said.

"no! this is my home," i say. "i love you dad, but you can't just walk into my life thinking that i'm gonna go with you! you never texted me or called me saying love you or i'm sorry or shit like that!"

i was so mad at him that i didn't know what to do, i started to have a hard time breathing but i kept going.

"you can't just take me away from people i love!" i yell. "Madi hates me, i can't go back to that house, and moms not there! why would i want to go!? yes i get it your there but i don't fucking care if your there anymore!"

"Y/n-" he says.

"no!" i yells with tears going down my face. "when your ready to love me like a daughter and not a person then you can come back...but right now, your just a stranger!"

i open the door, walk inside, and shut it. it lean up against it and started balling my eyes out. i fall to the ground and i hear someone running to me and hugging me.

"it's's okay..." Chris says in a soft tone.

Chris's POV:

we could hear Y/n yelling outside, but we didn't want to seem snoopy so we let them talk. after about 4 minutes we heard the door open and close, i look over and see Y/n with tears in her eyes, she lean up against the door and falls to the ground still leaning against the door. i run to her and hug her, she hugs me back.

"it's's okay," i say in a soft tone.

i didn't know what to do, i just sat there with her hugging her. she finally let go and i helped her up and to the stool.

"that was my father not my brother," she said.

"why'd he say brother?" Matt asked.

"i don't know, he said it would make it easier," she said. "he grabbed my arm and wanted to take me home."

"what?" Nick asked.

"but i told him this is my home, with you guys..." she said looking at us, we all smiled.

"we will always be your home," Nick said coming around to hug her.

me and Matt joined and gave her a big group hug.

"i love you guys," she said.

god i love this girl, she cares about us and we care about her, i love her so much.

"we love you too, Y/n," Matt said.

we all pull away and she looks at me and hugs me.

"what's this for?" i ask hugging back even tighter.

"i love you so much," she said. "your my best friend and my boyfriend. your the best thing that could ever happen to me, all of you guys are."

i smiled. "i love you too Y/n, your best thing that has ever happened to me too."

"imagine if you didn't help me pick out a soda, this all would have never happened," she said.

"i think about that every day," i said. "but i'm glad that i did."

she looked up and kissed me. i love her and she loves me, that's all i could ever ask for.


~thank you all for reading my story! i love you so much, i am going to start a Matt story if you guys don't mind! i have some ideas but not many, i would love if you guys picked out some of it, thank you again. i will continue writing the imagines as well! <3~

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