Chapter 7: Besties! <3

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Y/n's POV:

the next morning was an odd morning, i had to go to the grocery store again, i'm scared to leave the house because of Madi, the boys are with Madi right now, they were supposed to hang out with her Tuesday but she had plans to see a friend on Tuesday. then i ran out of caramel drizzle so now i'm walking to the store to get a bang and caramel drizzle. i was walking down the street when i see the boys van driving by, they stopped beside me and Chris put down the window, i put my arms on the door and leaned in.

"what are you doing?" Matt asks.

"i have to get caramel drizzle," i said. "oh and a bang.

"OH! i'll come with you!" Nick yelled from the back seat. next thing i knew Nick was out of the car and had his arm linked with mine.

"aren't you guys supposed to see Madi today?" i ask.

"we're on our way to pick her up," Chris said. "could you do me a favor?"

"you want us to get you something don't you?" Nick asks.

"yeah," Chris said, he knew that Nick was gonna say that.

"alright we have to go," Matt said. "your going with Y/n?"

"yup!" Nick said. "tell Madi i'll be there Thursday."

"okay, see ya!" Matt said driving off, Chris held his hand out and i took it then let it go while Matt drove off.

"do you like Chris?" Nick asked right away, DUDE we haven't even started walking yet!

"i don't know why?" i say.

"you seem to like him and plus he kinda likes you too," he said, then he stopped walking. "shit, i wasn't supposed to say that, don't say anything to him."

"i won't," i say, i couldn't help but smile, i have had a crush on Chris since the day i met him at the grocery store.


"hey do you help?" the boy who i now know as Chris asks.

"i'm deciding was if i want Dr.Pepper or Pepsi," i say.


"hey, are you okay?" Nick asks.

"yeah yeah i'm fine," i say.

we make it to the store and walk in, i grab a Bang and Nick also grabs a Bang. i walk around trying to find something for Chris, i grab a Pepsi and i pay for the things.

"Nick?" i hear a familiar voice say. "what are doing here? who's that?" i don't turn around.

"i just wanted to grab a Bang," Nick says trying to hide me.

"why are you hiding her?" Madi asks. "hey! who are you?"

"come on Madi, let's just go Nick will come with us," Matt says.

i still don't turn around, i'm to scared to turn around, i know my sister, she's gonna run after me and i don't have my inhaler, i think Chris still has it. i start walking out.

"hey! i'm talking to you!" Madi yells.

i turn around, i just hate yelling, especially if it's at me. Madi's eyes widened.

"you guys said that she wasn't here!" she yelled.

"we didn't want you do anything to her," Matt said trying to calm her down.

she starts running at me and my first instinct was...RUN! i don't care if i have my inhaler or not, i need to RUN! i run out of the store, at least my things were paid for, i still have my drink and Chris' drink. i run around the corner and run into someone. Chris!

"hey, what are you running from?" he asks.

"i can't- i cant-" i say, i needed my inhaler.

Chris sees Madi and takes me aside and hands me my inhaler. i am so glad that Chris is my friend, he always knows when i need my inhaler.

"are you okay?" he asks.

"yeah i'm fine," i say. i hand him the Pepsi and he smiles.

"this is from when we first met isn't it?" he asked looking at me.

"well i mean, you did say it was superior," you said smiling.

"hey!" you heard a voice say behind you, you jumped and turned to face them, it was only Nick, thank god.

"god damn it Nick! you scared the crap out me," i say.

"sorry," he said. "we got Madi a cab and she's on her way to her hotel, then going back to LA."

"that fast?" Chris asked.

"yeah, i mean it wasn't easy for Matt, but we did it," Nick said.

*the next day*

i woke up on the floor of Chris' room, you know i originally was on his couch, but i guess i fell off during the night, i got up and looked over at Chris who was still sleeping. i opened his closet and pulled out the first hoodie i saw.

"what are you doing?"

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