Blame the voices

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In the big mass multiverse.

There are an infinite number of AUs but there is an AU.

This AU was different, different in that only two skeletons lived in it.

They were different. One was the Protector while the other was the Destroyer.

They both lived there peaceful as it can be, most of the AU was an empty white void except for a small house in the center surrendered by patches of green grass with few plants and a wisteria tree. Right now only Ink, the Protector, is the only one home, just painting meanwhile the voices, or creators as he calls them, talking about something that he doesn't understand. But then again when does he truly understand the voices?

We are not that weird!


Guys, the plan

Do we want to do this?

...Eh we need entertainment

"I wonder what you guys are planning, sounds like fun." Ink commented as he leaned back to see the painting he was working on. A simple painting of a waterfall, "If you all are trying to make a new AU I can help!" he told them.

Not a new AU

Wait- is it?


Guys Error is coming back

Just like as he said, Error, the destroyer, opens the door and came in. "Welcome back, Glitchy" Ink said without looking away from the painting. "WhAt are yOU paINTinG Now, SqUid" Error ask his roommate, walking closer to see the painting. "Eh, a waterfall from the surface" Ink responded, now looking back at his friend "How was 'work' today, mhm?". Error laughed "YoU shoULd had SAw ThE LOOk of DespAIR IN TheiR EyEs," he said as his voice glitched from his laughter and as he continues. Ink chuckles a bit from it, "I can tell you had fun today"

For being opposites you two act the same

They just act like a married couple sometimes

Hey! No shipping

It's not shipping, I'm just stating facts

Y'all stupid

Only half of the time

"What do you think the creators are talking about?" Ink ask, Error went to set down in his bean bag. He took out a half-finished doll that looked like Outer and started to sew. Ink went back to the painting, and they both learn to appreciate each other's company. "PAring us As usUAl WhAts NeW?" Error answered, he pull out a chocolate bar and eats it.

We talk more than that

You two are just cute together

They are friends

We got an idea

Shhhhh they shouldn't know

Not now

Why not?

Should we just say it?

The voices suddenly become quiet, Ink and Error stop what they were doing. They turn to look at each other, then the voices came back whispering, it wasn't understandable. Now, that left the skeletons curious, what can the voices mean?

So we got an idea

More like an experiment

Don't worry it's not bad

We got bored so we are sending you into another Multiverse

You made us sound like this is just for entertainment!

But it is, isn't it?

Then the voices started to argue with each other. Error and Ink were just confused about what was happening, Error was getting irritated by them "SHuP Up!!" he shouted. The voices claimed down but there still was a bit of arguing among them, "NoW whY WoULd you GuyS waNT Us in aNothER MulTIvErse?" Error ask, "thiS one Is alReadY a PaiN in tHe asS" he murmured "I don't sound bad" Error look at Ink, who was still painting, with a 'what' face.

"Come on Error it can't be half bad, plus there isn't nothing to do right now so why not" Ink looks back at him. Error frown "INk thIs IS A bad IdEa anD yOu kNOw it" "Ya but aren't you at least a bit curious on what is on the other side?" Ink said as he got up and walk to Error, Error just look at him with a confused look, "THe laSt tImE yOU goT 'CuRIouS', CroSS HaPPEned" Ink just smile and plot down next to Error "Still mad over that?" 

"NoT maD jUst saYInG" Error went back to sewing, "BuT It is GettiNg a Bit tOO ClaM" Ink smirked and wave his arm around Error. He flinches a bit but clams fast. "It could be fun, plus you could still destroy just don't go crazy" Error laughs "YOU doN't gO CRazY, SqRiD". Then they hear the voices laughing.

Ok then

Good news, you'll be there

Bad news, right now

Then a portal opens up under them, they started to scream, and as they fall into it close.

770 words

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