There in front of the two skeletons, is a really colorful one, Squid was just staring where he heard the familiar voice. "Fresh?" He asked, Fresh didn't say anything just walk up to Squid and then said "Wow, so the rumors are true" and poke his skull. Squid quick grab Fresh's hand and smiled "Fresh! Oh it has been such a long time, bud, you don't came by the house anymore-"
Not your Fresh Squid
Wrong one
Did you forgot already?
My boi!
"Oh right, right different Fresh, sorry" Squid apologized, Fresh was a but shock just quickly recover "Nah, dawg, don't ya worry but um what happened to my bro?" Fresh pointed at Glitch who was still glitching out. Squid guess that he was talking about Glitch and wave at him "Eh, he should be fine, he is just embarrassed that he is the mom in this relationship" Fresh's glasses turn to question marks "ya' dating?" Squid just started then laughed "No, no I-" and fell over from laughing.
It took a while to make Squid to stop laughing, "No, no we are just friends plus we both aren't capable of loving anyway" as he said that Glitch stopped...well clutching and saw Fresh. "WH4T 7HE [FUNK] ARE Y0U D01NG H3RE!" Fresh just smiled as Glitch jumped back "Wassup my broski?" Fresh asked, and back off a bit, he could tell that Glitch was getting uncomfortable. It reminded Fresh of Error when they first met many years ago. Glitch just growled "notHiNG OF YouR cOnCErnEd," Squid just patted Glitch on the head "Glitchy, remember that Fresh is our friend no matter what Multiverse," Glitch turn to Squid "No He IS yOUr FrIEnD, Not mINe"
Fresh is everyone's friend
Well mostly everyone
Glitch is just jelly
Of what?
"Ya rad Multiverse is different?" Fresh asked, Squid blinked confused "what" Glitch rolled his eyes "So FAr iT is WaY diFFereNt" "Right! That, yup it's so different, heard that we are gods in this multiverse, that sounds cool" Squid sounded excited, Fresh just smiled and giggled a bit "Would be, if they would just take a chill pill" Squid and Glitch were confused on that, "what do you mean?" Squid asked.
"Don't worry to much on that, brosephs, but now wazzup?"
"Eh nothing much, just drawing"
Fresh came closer to see his drawing, it was Outertale, here was a cliff with some trees looking be on the sky. "Now that is da bomb" Squid giggled "aw why thank you" Glitch rolls his eyes.
Fresh and Squid were talking while Glitch just sat there, occasionally speaking his opinion. But mostly just knitting. Until Fresh got a call, "Oh?" He answered the call "Wazzup, dawg!...Ya...Ah okay" and then he hanged up, hr turn to the two skeletons "Sorry gotta dip, bros but y'all wanna come with?"
"Alright, we need a plan to get Squid and the other Error, any ideas?" NM asked the squad, "Why not look in the anti void?" Cross asked. "ThAt woULd be ToO oBViOus" Error responded, "OuR mulTiVeRsES caN'T be THaT diFFerNt" NM nodded "Exactly, that is why both Anti Void and Outertale are out of the question- where is fresh?"
As he said that a door appeared "speAKiNg oF ThE dEviL" Fresh walk in "YO! Wassup, my radical brosephs!" Everyone in the room, sigh, "Ah Fresh glad for you too join us we-" "THAT WAS SO MUCH FUN!" a familiar voice called, then Squid walked out the door followed by a glitchy skeleton "I neVEr wAnT To GO thROuGh ThAt agaIN"
There stood a skeleton similar to Error just-I would say different but no they look exactly the same- Glitch saw the bad sanses, "Oh nOT yoU," Squid looked at him "Aren't they your friends"
"HA frIeNDs wiTH thIs dOMinAtiOns? PlEaSe dON't mAke Me lAUgh, I WouLdn't go tHat loW, I hAVe stAnDarDs" Glitch said with a face of pride,
Bitch what standards?
And the top of those standards are Outertale
Doesn't he like, destroys AU
Ya and he still have standards
Squid laughed, everyone else was confused on what was happening. So NM clear his throat, "Where did you find them?" Fresh turn to look at NM "oh, um, in the anti void" Cross cheered "See I told you!" The squad rolled their eyes and NM hit him aside of his skull.
729 words
A/N: thank you for the reads, votes and follows and I hope you have enjoyed

Friends Meeting Enemies
FanfictionWhat if there was a multiverse where Error and Ink were friends? What if the voices were the creators? What if they went to the Fgod multiverse because the voices were bored? Fate is mad that they can't take control of the new Ink and Error. And eve...