"What happened?"
"YoUr aSs jUsT GOttEn bEaTEn" Error answered, Ink looked at him. It took a second to realize who it was. Ink saw both Error and Night "Why are we doing here?!" Squid stepped in "I told them that they can be here" with the same cold tone. "Why? Why do you defend them?" Squid narrows his eyes, "They haven't anything bad"
"ANYTHING BAD? They terrorize the AUs, you more than anyone should know this" Ink was pissed that Squid would be on their side. Squid nodded, "I do know, but they aren't doing that now, now are they?" Squid's eyes had no emotions just those white pupils that Ink hates, so he shut up. Squid's eyes went back to normal. And turn to Dream, "How's Glitch?" "Oh, um, well he healed but he will need more rest than Ink" Squid smiled "Great! Thanks Dream" his smile was bright, and Night and Error thought for a second that was real but both knew better.
I hope Glitch is OK
He is fine
He won't die
"Glitch would be fine pals," Squid told them as he looks at Glitch. Error looked at him, "tHEy ARe woRrieD abOuT HIm?" Ink looked at both of them "Who?"
"Voices and yes," Squid said.
Dream glance at Night, he has never been this close to him. Yet so far, he seems calm, nice, had he changed? Nightmare noticed and looked at Dream, he look back at the group of twins. "Squid?" Squid looked back to Dream, "How's your multiverse?"
"Oh! It's way calm than this one, I wonder why?" Squid responded "And me? How's other me?" Dream asked, Squid just shrugs "I heard he is doing great, helping and living in the Omega Timeline". Dream and Ink were got off guard "what do you mean, aren't y'all friends?" Ink asked, "Ya we were but Dream and I thought different" Squid responded. "On?" Ink kept pushing on "We saw the AUs different, but you wouldn't understand" "Why?" "Just cause" "UGGHH~" Squid looked back to see Glitch waking up, his eyes turn to stars and ran to him "Glitchy! You're awake!" and hugged him. Glitch didn't like that and push away Squid "7UCK 0FF!"
"Oh FUck oFf With tTAt MoM thInG," Glitch told the voices, Squid back off, Ink was didn't like the show of affection "Why did you hugging him? he is the destroyer" Squid sighed and turn to him"Because he is my friend and one of my only friends" "I Am yOur ONly fRiENd, nIGhtMaRe doeSn'T eVen LIke yOu" "well he is nice to me" Glitch rolls his eyes, "Why? Don't you have your whole multiverse?" Ink walked towards Squid, "Yes I do but it's nice to talk to someone" "SqUiD dOEsn't lIkE sEEmS in AUs beCaUSe IT Can 'chANge The stORy' or WhaTEveR" Glitch answered for Squid, Ink looked at him, even more pissed. Dream is not like the tension in the room.
Dream went between the three, laughing nervously "Ink please calm down, they have it different, it's ok" Ink just nodded and backed off, Dream looked back to the two and apologized "Sorry about him" "WhY aRE You aPOlogIziNg fOr HIm?" Dream couldn't say anything, Nightmare felt a bit sorry for Dream, always cleaning after Ink. "It's alright, Dream, I'm just glad to see and talk to you again," Squid said and Dream just smiled weakly. Night went to Glitch "What happen to the two in your world?" he asked, "DreAM foUnd Out tHaT tHe rEAsoN of thE VAlEs hE HAd aROunD" with that answered Night's question, "Oh and Me!" Blue pop up and scared everyone.
"Oh shit"
"Blue, you scared us"
OH right him
Blue just giggled "Sorry, but hows other me" Blue's eyes had stars in them, he was excited "Oh, um, he is fine, comes by the house but he doesn't talk to me much," Squid told him, Blue tilted his head "Oh, why?" "Swap doesn't like me, I don't know why either" Error laughed "WhaT ARe yoU? hATeD By the wHOlE mUTlivERsE?" he joked, Glitch "Ya HE is, MoSt Of thE outCOdes hATe SqUId" Squid just smiled.
"So wait so mine and Blue's hate you, why?" Dream asked as he pointed at Squid "I don't know". Glitch rolls his eyes, "EVerYOnE hoWs Why, itS beCAuSe yoUr LiTTle pRObleM"
711 words
A/N: Ok so first off Thanks for 2k reads (^_^;) seriously thank you.
Second off, in my AU (I guess), nearly all the outcodes hate/don't like Ink because they feel weirded out or find him ignoring. Dream and Ink aren't friends because Ink didn't care for the monsters in the AUs but the stories, found out that is the canon of them. Swap is friends with Error, Ink is close to Nightmare. Error and Nightmare talk shit about each other, but it's more like:
Night: At least I'm not a classic gone wrong
Error: At least I'm not a CTRL +C and +V of a Sans
Night: At least I have some original shit in my story
Error: What original shit? You have every basic villain story

Friends Meeting Enemies
FanfictionWhat if there was a multiverse where Error and Ink were friends? What if the voices were the creators? What if they went to the Fgod multiverse because the voices were bored? Fate is mad that they can't take control of the new Ink and Error. And eve...