Spending Time with Squid & Glitch

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"How did you two end up here?" NM asked, Glitch responded with "ThE voiCEs weRe bOrED, ThEy wanTEd US hEre so heRE we ArE" Squid nodded, but he couldn't remember it happening. Error was confused on that "BuT SquID SaId ThAt the CreATorS broUgHT you TwO heRE" "Well ya, the voices are the creators" answered Squid "they created everything, the AU's, the timelines, the characters, the stories-"

"ThE aBomINatIon, thE MisTAkEs, tHe fAiLUres" Glitch interrupted Squid by hiting Glitch on the side, "That would make you a mistake but you are not" Glitch smirked "BecAuSe I'M an ErrOR noT a MisTakE"


wait is that a self-pun or self-burn?


"Anyways these voices do you two hear them?" NM went back to the topic in hand, both nodded, and Error leaned back. He has suffered from the voices alone, always telling him to destroy yet there it was. Another version of him living with the same voices yet he was not alone and he seem fine with them. Then Error felt a tentacle on his shoulder, he knew it was Nightmare calming him down. Squid didn't see it just Glitch did but didn't say anything but felt uncomfortable.

"Oooo what do they say?" Killer asked, "ThE moSt RanDOm [shoe], FR3SH!" Glitch responded. Fresh said "Watch ya' profanity", "they sometimes want ideas, which I help them," Squid said with pride, "While some want to see the world burn" Error rolled his eyes " tYpICaL"

We just love arson


We didn't start the fire

They just left us unsupervised

Squid giggled a bit, "The creators said that they love arson", NM nodded "And now what? How will you two go back? Not trying to be rude or anything" Glitch chuckled "ThAt is fUnNY coMIng fRom YoU" Squid hit him again on the side "He isn't like our noot noot, if he was, we would have thrown us out the window." "Your Nightmare sounds like fun" Dust said sarcastically but Squid didn't realize it, "Yup! Night is fun and kind he gave me half his sandwich" "thAt was beCAuSe he MiSToOk yoU fOr a gArbAge Can" 

Thomas Sanders?


Snake boi

"How are your guy's world? if you don't mind me asking," Cross asked "Ya! been wonderin' why aren't ya hatin' each other?" Horror popped in, Glitch answered this one "EVeryThInG iS fiNe aNd CAlM aS iT cOUld Be, fOr One WE aRen'T gOdS-" "Wait you guys aren't gods? but you still destroy?" asked Cross, Glitch ignored him " Two, we MaNAgeD tO kEeP tHe PacEs EvEn If iT's JuSt mE And In- I mEaN SqUId kID"

"And Dream?" NM asked, he saw curious about his brother. Now knowing that Squid isn't like Ink, he wondered if Dream saw the same as before. Squid thought for a second and look at his scarf, "Oh, ya, Dream is in the omega timeline with Cross, the last time I check" "You two aren't friends?

"We were until we both realized that we wanted different things for the AUs" Squid's eyes turned to tire drops and he looked sad but then we quickly become happy again. "Anything else" "Ya, you two dating because you sound like a married couple," Dust asked. The two skeletons looked disgusted "No" said Glitch, Squid then stated "we both can't feel"

See I knew it couldn't be just us

Sassy wine mom and golden retriever dad

I- I ever thought it like that

The voices then continued to talk about that, Glitch growled "SEe, noW tTEy are tAlkINg abOuT wHO Is MoM aNd DAd, UgH, I h4tE iT h3Re" He became more and more glitchy-er, "Ya know no one is stopping you to leave, if you hate it here" Squid snapped back, Glitch raised his brow "you know, your right, I am leaving" he then stood up, Squid then went back to happy tone, "Love ya!" Glitch flip him off and opened a portal and left. "Where is he going?" Squid shrugged "maybe to go and destroy" everyone then look at him like he just kissed Glitch, "And you not stopping him?" asked Killer, Squid shook his head, "it's part of the deal, so no"

"What deal?" NM question, "Whoever is there first, chooses what to do, meaning if Glitchy is there first I can't stop him, plus I don't know where he may be" Squid nervously laughs.

730 words

A/N: Thank you for 900- close to 1k. Honestly didn't think this would do this good.

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