Ink was sitting in his room thinking, he couldn't rest easy knowing that there is another Error. He hasn't drink his vials since that happened mostly because he has forgotten. So many thoughts and questions are running around, why did that Glitch took Squid? Where they go? Why are they here? Who brought them here?
Ink look to the door to see Dream, with a worry look. "Yes?" Dream walk to him "are you alright?" Ink just nod at looked away "ya just thinking about what happened" his voice sounded so monochrome, Dream hated that. He didn't know why Ink sometimes appeared like that with no emotion but Ink always told him to not worry about it. "I think you should rest, rethink about it tomorrow" "No!" Ink then stood up, "Don't you understand? There are two of them and one of them has another me, Dream we have to save him." Dream looks at him, as Ink walks back and forth. "Yes but you need to sleep" "I don't need sleep"
Dream just sigh and shook his head in disappointment, "We'll find them soon" and he stood up and walk to the door "just try to find some sleep" and left, closing the door behind him. Leaving Ink alone, he turn to see his desk. On it had his vials, he walk towards it and stated to drink them.
Maybe I should try to a least sleep, he thought, but something was telling him to find him, he sigh and grabbed his paint brush to teleport out.
The Bad sanses were watching a movie but the murder trio fell asleep, so NM pick them up to put them in their beds. Leaving Cross and Error, Error was trying to knit but had his mind somewhere else and Cross notice. "Still think about Squid?" Error look up at him "yA, BuT i'm cuRioUS, whAt weRE ThEy DoiNg HEre?" Cross just shrugged and silence fell upon them. "Don't know but we'll find them, plus Squid seems nicer" Cross said, that got Error's attention "ReaLlY?" Cross just nod "I gUEss yoUr riGhT." NM came back to them.
"You two are still here?" Error just shrugged and Cross stood up "Nah, I'm leaving, Night" "Night" and went upstairs. NM sat next to Error, "And you?" "NaH, tOo muCH in MY MiNd TO slEeP" Error responded, NM hummed "i'm guessing is for Squid? I'm sure that they are fine-" "N0 I3 N0T 7H4T!" Error yelled out of frustration, he put his hands over his face to calm him self down. "SoRrY" NM shook his head "No, no it's fine, your just frustrated and stressed about all this, but we'll fine them before Ink and maybe they can help us" Error just nod as NM comfort him. Being careful with Error's haphephobia, he put a tentacle around him.
They stayed like that for a while, and what I mean a while, I mean few hours. They slowly fell asleep, Horror went down stairs to the kitchen and saw them.... He took a picture, send it in the group chat with the Murder trio +cross. And continue to the kitchen.
Meanwhile, Glitch and Squid are in the void. Glitch has waken up and is just knitting and Squid is drawing. The voices are either talking to each other or talking to the pair of skeletons.
Ohhh I like the stars
Personality hate looking at space
You can't even see
When can we destroy an AU?
Right? That is the only thing why I sign up for
Squid just laughed "Don't know pals, ask Glitchy" Error look at him "WHy Me?"
Ya, guys ask 'mom'
Pfff mom
That ain't my mom
That would make Squid dad?
"Oh no, NOt thIS" Glitch put his hand over his face, "AnyTHinG tHAn ThIs, pLus wHY aM I the mOM? " Squid just smirk "Why not? You're more mother-ly to them and i'm like that cool dad" Glitch chucked and roll his eyes "Ya RiGht, moRe LikE a laME OnE" Squid raised his brow and having that stupid grin on his face "So you DO agree that your ARE the mom?" Glitch just froze and a sec and process what was just said, and...well...glitch out. Squid didn't need to see his face to know his expression and the fact he is glitch out.
"Sup, brosephs, what's poppin'?
744 words
A/N: Thank you for 400 reads! I'm glad that y'all like this

Friends Meeting Enemies
FanfictionWhat if there was a multiverse where Error and Ink were friends? What if the voices were the creators? What if they went to the Fgod multiverse because the voices were bored? Fate is mad that they can't take control of the new Ink and Error. And eve...