Error was in a cell.
Ya know, for being a fancy place the cell is pretty shit, Error thought. There was camera in the cell, apparently they want to know what we would do. Unlucky for them Error has considered this as a little break from everything. Expect for the voices them themselves who been telling him things about this multiverse.
In the other room, Ink and the rest where looking at the cameras, "Is he just going to fucking sit there?" A angry skeleton ask, Fell. A much smaller skeleton, Sci, walk next to him "I think so, he doesn't have the same magic as our Error"
Ink was half listening to what was said, all he wanted to know is what is he doing here. "I'm going in, and talk to him" and walk out.
Error was playing with his, strings and listening to the voices.
How do we get out?
Ink is fine
No one cares
This world's Ink is coming
He is more soulless then ours
Shhhh plot is about to convince
Ink stood on the other side of the cell, Error didn't even look up at him, they both stood there in silence. "Why are you here? How did you get here" Error stop what he was doing and look up at Ink, "wHy? BoRedOm FRom soMeOne. HOw? I dOn't KNoW" and he continue to play with his strings, Ink was frustrated at his response and got in in the cell. "Who brought you here?" He said with a husher voice. Error was getting irritated by him, he didn't even notice that a can of paint from his bag drop "LOoK I doN'T KnOw, oK?" That is when Error realized the can was in Ink's hand.
Well we are fucked
Oh boy
Lie about it
Ah shit
"Why do you have this?" Ink asked Error just look at it for a sec and laughed. "OH thAt LitTLe o'L thInG, ThaT wAs FrOm tHaT sqUid, I WaS aBLe to cAtCh hiM and puT hIM IN THerE" Error half lied, it was from Squid but it was more like a call signal for each other. Ink's eyes widen and he looks at the can then back at Error "What?" Error just smirks "Ya, MAn, iT WaS a loNg WhiLe siNCe thAt haPpeNeD, AnD sinCe thEn it waS noThiNg bUt siLeNce anD QuIet"
Ink just stared at him, with no emotion in his face. A face that Error's knows well yet hasn't seen it in a long time. Then he realized that the rest of the Star sanses were there, Error smirked "YoU KnOw tHaT i foRgot thAT yOU tHreE WeRe a teAm, WHy woULd yoU FollOw a pSyCHo?" Dream and Blue were taken back a bit, Ink then open the can. Error obviously didn't like that, "WhAt ARe yOu doINg?!" Ink then threw it.
Squid was chilling with the Bad sanses, well more like he was wondering around and they were keeping on eye on him. "How does his Error deal with him?" Dust was alright getting highly annoyed with Squid the others shrugged. Squid stopped what he was doing and summon his paint brush, the bad sanses panic and were about to summon their attacks when he threw ink down. Then he look back at them and smiled "Sorry but my Glitch is called me, Bye!" And he jumped in the ink. The Bad sanses were frozen for a sec then all hell broke lose.
Error stared at the spilled Ink on the floor, look at the Star Sanses "GreAt, I hOPe yoU KNow thAt You UnLeaSH thE LitTle soUlLeSS PsyCHoPaTh" he said with a poker face. As Error said that, the ink started to bubble and a figure started to shape. "I'm not little!" a echoey familiar voice said, Error seem to be unfazed by the voice. The Star Sanses took a step back and summon their weapons.
Squid pop out, facing Error "Hi!" He said, Error just gave a small smile but then he frowned and turn to the others. Squid was confused and turn around and saw a version of him and his ex-friends...
They have met
Its the spider man meme
Squid just smiled and wave "Hello! Other me" Ink just stared a smaller version, Squid stood up and walk to them. "Looks Glitchy I'm tall! And-" He stops at he sees Dream and his eyes widen "Oh my! Dream! I haven't seen you in a long time- wait your not mine Dream oops but still!" Squid's speech was fast since he was excited.
Error was trying to get out, "InK!" He called Squid turns back and see Error "Oops sorry" he smiles nervously and unties him. The Star sanses snap out of it and were about to attack but Error grab Squid and teleport out of there.
"Son of a Fu-
816 words

Friends Meeting Enemies
FanficWhat if there was a multiverse where Error and Ink were friends? What if the voices were the creators? What if they went to the Fgod multiverse because the voices were bored? Fate is mad that they can't take control of the new Ink and Error. And eve...