Each universe has its Heroes.
Each multiverse has its Gods.
Gods. A powerful being of good and evil.
Fate was no different, they made the multiverse, so they could do anything they wanted. A dollhouse filled with living dolls played and moved as Fate wished, yet they were never satisfied. Their favorite was on the top, a creator, a hero, a god. So why, did a mear underling win against Ink? And why did it look like that glitch? No words can describe how mad they were.
Who were those two belong to? Fate went to their sibling, Destiny, to ask them, "no dear, they aren't mine" Destiny wasn't looking at Fate, although they had smiler powers, Fate always seems to have the upper hand. "DON'T LIE TO ME" Fate moves closer to Destiny "IF IT ISN'T YOUR THEN WHO?" Destiny slowly move away from them, they didn't like seeing Fate angry or at least not mad. "sorry, but i'm telling the truth, fate, you can look and see for yourself " Fate looked to see both respected Error and Ink in their multiverse and left, even more, angry if that was possible.
Destiny calmed down and look off to the dark void, to see a weird figure with many eyes along its body, looking at them "i did what you wanted so places excuse yourself" the figure just nodded and disappeared into the void.
We own you one
Fate went to their space and look into their multiverse, what to do with them? They thought Fate doesn't have the power over them, not even a connection to them- wait Error. Error has been with them and they seem fond of him, well, that Ink does. Fate smirked once he realized that he can attack them by Error, Fate can unleash Errors' full power since it was not His Ink. Yes, I can do that, Fate thought.
Oh, Error's voices were as mad, angry as Fate.
Error left to his anti-void, he would regret it as the voices were screaming at him and the string that Fate had on Error was being pulled. Tires were forming in Error's eye sockets, oh, the voices here yelling screaming at him to do one thing.
No, it wasn't to destroy, no it was to Kill Squid and Glitch.
Kill them
What are you waiting for?
You useless shit
Error tried to stop, tried to not listen to the roaring of the voices but to no use, he teleported his way to them.
While all that was happening, Squid and Glitch said their goodbye- "Wait where do we stay?" Squid asked, "If you liked, you can stay with us," Night told them, Ink stopped him, "What! No, no, you'll just hurt them-" "OK Nighty!" Squid said, Ink looked at Squid "oh you can't be serious"
"He CaN'T be sERiouS," Glitch said, Squid fate gasped, "No, I can be" Glitch rolled his eyes "No, We cAN't stAy wE'lL jUSt STay iN tHE aNti voID" Glitch then picks up Squid, "Bye~ See ya soon!" Squid waved as they teleported out. "Wow, Squid is small" Blue commented to himself.
"Come on Dream we got to go" Ink went to the door, and Dream turned to him, "Wait I need to talk to Nightmare" Nightmare looked at Dream in shock. "Fine, whatever" Dream turn back to Nightmare, "Let's talk somewhere private, let's go back home?" Nightmare looked at him with a disappointed face "That place was not a home for me, never has and never will" a frown appeared on Dream's face. "But I'll meet you there" and left.
Dream smiled.
608 words
A/N: sorry for being a bit short and thank you for 2.68K and 228 votes. Have a great, morning/noon/night. ♡'・ᴗ・'♡

Friends Meeting Enemies
FanfictionWhat if there was a multiverse where Error and Ink were friends? What if the voices were the creators? What if they went to the Fgod multiverse because the voices were bored? Fate is mad that they can't take control of the new Ink and Error. And eve...