Dream and Nightmare sat close to each other, in front of the stump. For the first time in years, centuries, they just sat in silence and watch the sunset like they used to do when they were younger. A lot younger.
They both rarely talk since the hug, mostly because they don't know what to do now. They fought much longer than them being together, and going back to being siblings felt like they just going to ignore all the years of fighting. Dream thought of starting over, clearly, they both don't know each other anymore, as much as it hurts him. Being friends seems like a good start to fixing this bridge between them.
"You have your thinking face on, surprising your evening doing that" Dream looked at him, "Now, what do you mean?" Night, rolled his eyes, "I mean, that you don't think often". Dream jokingly gasped and pouted, "Well of your information, I do think and often" Dream sassed back. "Well care to share?" Nightmare asked, Dream looked at the sky "Well, I was thinking of starting to know each other, you know? Be friends?"
"What about Ink?" Nightmare asked, he knew how Ink can act out sometimes. Dare he says, worried about Dream. Dream frowned, "I just have to deal with him"
"Who wants to go and tell him?"
"HA, ain't doin' that, that's for sure, he is with Dream right now"
"Oh fuck, wait, and Ink?"
"Fuck if I know"
"I vote Killer go"
"Huh, wait- Why me!?"
"Boss likes ya more"
"Exactly, golden child"
"Wait NO!"
Dust and Horror had thrown a screaming Killer to a portable to Dreamtale. RIP.
Killer landed in Dreamtale, groning he got up and look around, it was dark and cold. "Those fuckin' bastard" Killer cursed and started to walk around to find Nightmare. After some time, he found them, they were sleeping on each other. Dream's head on Nightmare's shoulder and his head on Dream's.
"Aww, fuck man" Killer took out his phone and took a picture. "Alright, now to wake up the babies" Killer then found a stick and poke Nightmare in the face. A tentacle shot at Killer, wrapping around him, Nightmare then slowly turn his face towards him. If looks would kill, Killer would have been dead.
"Hey, boss, um, how's, uh, sleep?" Killer was so nervous, Nightmares's eyes were just piercing his soul. "What are you doing here" Night's voice was quiet but you can hear the anger, Killer starts to nervously laugh, "Well, eh, mh, funny story, mh" "Yes?" "Ah, so, Cross went to find Squid to ask him something, and, um, found both Squid and Glitch fighting Error"
"What!" Dream jumps to Nightmare's yell and looks to see Nightmare's tentacle holding Killer up, scared. "What is happening?" Dream asked, Nightmare then drop Killer and quickly turn to him. "Apparently Error, Squid, and Glitch are fighting" Dream was now confused wait why "What? Why? Thought they were are friends"
Nightmare didn't know what to say to Dream, does he lie or tell the truth? So, he told half a truth, "Error has voices, they most likely are forcing him to" Dream is even more confused but he got up "Well, let's go and help them" Nightmare also got up, "No, don't you remembered Gltich's fight? They are strong, plus Squid is with them" Killer then got up, "And Cross?" Nightmare shrugs, "Cross will be fine"
Cross was not fine, he was in fact opposite of fine, why? May you ask, um, he got caught in the crossfire and now he is upside down just seeing the fight go down. Glitch and Squid are working together, Glitch would throw a move and Squid would do something.
Cross had so many close encounters with death. Either by ink or bones. He wishes that he didn't leave NM's house.
644 wordsA/N: Good morning/noon/night! Thank you for 3k view- wow
Also, I been making the other book and will post it when I finish this one which is soon. How soon? I don't know, so if you guys want to stick around for that

Friends Meeting Enemies
FanfictionWhat if there was a multiverse where Error and Ink were friends? What if the voices were the creators? What if they went to the Fgod multiverse because the voices were bored? Fate is mad that they can't take control of the new Ink and Error. And eve...