Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

I walked around town and felt the chills run up my run from the weather, it was night around ten and I was just cold.

I sat on a bench feeling my hair blow everywhere.

why was it cold?

Because your heart is cold, you stupid girl!

I laid down thinking, I needed the voices, they made me feel whole like I am in one and I liked that, it was late and I had no where to go so I got off the bench and walked down the walkway looking at my surroundings, I was here but yet I didn't feel like I was.

The air was so chilly I was hugging myself and just walking hoping for the weather to get better but would it?

Probably not until tomorrow around eight.

The voices were probably right so I need a place to stay.

hitchhike, you should hitchhike... it'll be a good experience to have.

Should I? it is bad but I need somewhere to go and the voices will help me flirt with the guy so that's when I put my thumb out and continued my walk to no where, people did pass me but not stop until one guy that looked around my age and I saw hanging around Daniel.

"Need a ride?" he asked with a tiny smirk.

"Yeah, I have no where to go," I sighed and went in his warm car.

"Well if you need, you can stay at mine, I have a small apartment close by and could use some company," he smiled and we drove to an apartment building and went up the stairs to a room where he unlocked the door and we went inside.

"Your friends with Daniel, I said quietly and he looked at me.

"And your Arabella, that girl that use to not talk and has schizophrenia?" he raised a eyebrow "my brother had it but he ended up killing himself because the voices were to much after he ran out off the pills he told and we were getting more but it was to late."

He looked sad so I hugged him then he got surprised but then hugged me back.

He is your next victim but don't hurt, kiss him!

I smirked and then kissed him and he did kiss back after a while and we did go to his bed and did have fun doing stuff, he looked like he was joying everything and then we fell asleep.

Good job!

waking up was good as well, we woke up at similar times and he said his neighbour had clothes she was throwing away so she gave me a new outfit.

"I forgot to tell you my name but I'm Patrick," he smiled.

i put the new clothes one and have to admit I looked good.

Of course you do! Your hot!

Last night was fun, I have to admit, he was good at it.

I walked out to him.

"I heard what Tyler did and it was horrible but he misses you," Patrick said with a frown but then a evil smiled "to piss Tyler off, lets be a couple, we are both hot and we can make out and look like we do a lot of sexual stuff in front off him, it'll be a lot off fun."

Do it! Arabella, Do it!

I smirked at it and kissed him.

"Let's do it," I said and we went to school and walked together.

People looked surprised as as passed them.

I saw Tyler and he looked sad but then looked at his phone.

Patrick pushed me against the lockers and he kissed me, we were making out and it was nice but he then got pulled off me.

"Arabella, what are you doing?" Adam asked me looking a bit mad, he grabbed my wrist "let's go to get more pills for you."

He can't!

"No!" I yelled and hid behind Patrick.

"She's better like this, she's a hot little bitch," Patrick said smirking and I knew Adam was mad but Patrick was right.

I felt arms behind me lifting me up carrying me to his car, it was Carl.

He can't let us go!

He locked me in the car, he freaking LOCKED me.

I was pissed, just couldn't stand this.

"Where are we going?" I asked and he sighed.

"Hospital," was all he said.

I didn't want the pills, they made me feel worse and I was less hot with that.

Crash the car, Arabella crash it!

So I grabbed the wheel after that and we feel in a ditch, I hit my head against the door and Carl's head was leaning on the wheel with blood going down his face.

Authors notes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Wow, will they make it?

How was this chapter anyway?





-tell all your friends

Ella :D

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