a/n on readers

200 5 5

henlo frends (purposefull misspesls)

I am going to say that, u dont have to interact saying where your from but my reader nation count:

6 americans

6 uk's

6 rip off australians (austrians)

6 spainians

6 australians

6 new zealanders (happy anzac day from about a week ago you bloody legends, same with ma aussies)

And some how this adds up to 75 when there are 76 reads...?

* v i s i b l e   c o n f u s e d*

And im pretty popular with ma ladies amirite (im so cringe tho)

And the non disclosed gender (optional but: PrOnOuNs)

And the ages are: 13 - 25 so like young adult.

( on one of my other books the highest age is 45!!!

I mean it is sorta angsty)

Seriously no dudes have read this


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