InCoRrEcT QuOtEs pArT 6

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hi im here with actual content lol. as i have probs said in past chapters, but still need to make clear. these are all jokes and just funny things off of the internet. lol, also tis is now just hermit incorrect quotes as i just include too many.

mumbo: you removed my WHAT..!

grian: i removed your right kidney while you were sleeping last night. no no no no no, why are you shaking and crying and getting your tears all over my hard wood floors. thats not polite.

EX: here you are Xisuma, nice hot cup of coffee.

Xisuma: oh..., its cold.

EX: nice cup of coffee


EX: cup of coffee?

Xisuma: im not even sure if this is coffee.

EX: cup.

scar: its a little muggy outside today

cub: i swear to GOD if i go outside and all our mugs are o our frount lawn, i leavig

scar: *sips hot chocolate from a bowl*

grian: you shouldnt be using a straw.

scar: yeah i know, bad for the turtles..,

grian: no its just a weird way to eat spagetti

grian, holding a python: Guys I impulsively bought a snake, what do I name him
mumbo: You did WHAT–
scar: William Snakepeare


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