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didn't have much but i have sum

grian: vampires that mix slag from the past 5 centuries mercilessly within the same breath and don't even try to stop it anymore

mumbo: unhand me, you egg-sucking, lily-livered, jive-talking, whackadoo. foul villain! cur! i bite my thumb at thee, you ugly motherfucker, so hasta la bye bye, daddy-o!

scar: my ears are bleeding

jimmy/solidarity: you've yeed your last yaw

tango: that's true

grian: sing this to the tune of "old mcdonald"

grian: i'm so stressed that sunlight hurts. i am gods mistake

grian: country gnomes, take my bones

scar: to a place they don't belong

mumbo: i see shit like this is the reason that it's so hard to turn my back on this group. where else, pray tell, are you going to find this quality nonsense.

pearl: west Virginia

grian: old people? more like fold people.

**makes origami swan out of grandma**

pearl: literally what was going through your mind that motivated you to say this

scar: when you're laying down and your pet walks across your internal organs and you're like OW FUCK and they dont even care they just keep standing on your spleen like its their job

grian: this is why i keep my skin closed at all times.

scar: you ..... you what

**zipper sound**

i know i said i didn't have much, but i found more

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