Part 31

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Sebastian was laying on a lawn chair reading a new romance book that's coming out recently from one of his friends. One hand was keeping his book open and the other hand wrapped around his wife, stroking her pregnant stomach. He smiled as he turned his attention to watch his ten-year-old son William teaching his eight-year-old sister, Holly, and his five-year-old sister, Kendall, teaching them how to play soccer. He chuckled then looked at his two twin boys, Mateo and Dominic, bouncing in their bouncers, while the newest addition to their family, a big golden retriever, licking their toes. His attention turned to his little girl, who was calling out his name." Daddy! Daddy! Look what Will taught me!" The five-year-old girl then threw the ball into the air and as it came down kicked it back into the air, causing it to land on the other side of their lawn. Sebastian chuckled." Good job baby girl, I'm proud of all of you." He smiled at his son." You're such a good big brother." William smiled and ran to hug his father. He returned his son's embrace and kissed his nose. The slight movement from his chest made William and Sebastian looked at the now-awake Alex. She had a soft smile on her face." I reckon it's lunchtime?" She asked sitting up on Sebastian's lap. He looked at his watch that he had gotten for one of his birthdays presents that year, along with sex and their revile having their sixth and seventh kid. " I reckon it is. How do PB and j sound?" He questioned as his three oldest children gagged." Daddy is that all you know how to make?" Sebastian's lips quirked into a smirk." Oh don't underestimate daddy now, I can make a lot of things happen, Just ask your mother." He let out a chuckle as his wife slapped his chest." Sebastian!" She yelled in disbelief." You horny man." He kissed her lips in a soft passionate kiss. William covered his younger sister's eyes as the two girls let out a loud."Ewwwwww" Alex smiled and pulled her husband back into a deeper kiss. After they broke the kiss, Sebastian swept his wife up into his arms." Will can you pull your brothers into the house." William nodded as he gripped the back of the bouncers and pulled them inside as the dog followed them. Sebastian sat his wife on the counters in the victorian home. She looked at her husband smiling." Look's like your sweating balls babe, ever heard of jeans?" she smiled as he laughed at the familiar words." I wear them because I know it turns my baby on plus I know how much it drives you crazy when I wear grey sweatpants." She blushed at his words."And that's exactly how I ended up pregnant with seven kids." Sebastian chuckled and kissed her softly." I love you, baby." " I love you too daddy." He pulled away and put a pot on their stove." How does Mac n cheese sound?" Kendall ran over and hugged her father's leg." You love us so much." Sebastian gave her a sweet smile." Of course, I do, that's why I'm not making peanut butter sandwiches." She nuzzled into her dad's touch." Can I help cook daddy?" He picked the small girl up then placed her on the counter." Of course baby girl." He placed an apron over her with a smile before grabbing two boxes of Kraft macaroni. Alex laughed at Sebastian." Married for 15 years and still can't cook." He shot a glare at his wife." You know I've tried cooking and I set the oven on fire." William laughed as he remembered the day he came home and saw his dad putting out a fire in the oven." Don't tell your mom." Sebastian said when he noticed his son in the room. Only a few hours later Sebastian had gotten the oven replaced with a replica of the one they had. It didn't work because she noticed it as soon as Alex had gotten home from work." Babe, why do we new oven?" She questioned as she sat on the couch next to him." What are you talking about?" He questioned her" Babe, the new over, Our oven had tiny flowers on the side and that one doesn't." She took Sebastian's glasses off his face." So tell me the truth, old man." He looked at his wife and sighed." I set it on fire, hence why all the doors and windows are open so I bought a new one before you got home." She laughed at his explanation and then kissed him. William looked at his parents who were now making out on the counter. He shook his head some and was no longer surprised about it since they were always kissing and touching each other." Dad, I think the water is boiling." Sebastian pulled away from Alex and she chased his lips almost falling over. He quickly caught her."You can have me in a bit babe." He went over to the stove and began to cook. Her attention turned to her oldest daughter who was looking at one of the spiral-bound notebooks." Daddy, what's a cock?" She asked in a curious tone. Both of her parents jumped up and grabbed the notebook." It's another name for rooster honey." He said quickly before looking at his wife." I thought we talked about leaving your notebooks out?" He sighed." I know I know but I need inspiration and we did have some fun there last night so I wrote while remembering you under me." Alex slapped his chest once again."Not in front of the kids you perv!" He grabbed her hand as a deep chuckle left his lips." But you look so cute angry and flustered." He pulled her close to his chest and planted a kiss on her lips. She smiled into their kiss before pushing him away." Go finish cooking big boy." "I hate that nickname." " And I hate the word cunt" " You tighten each time I say in tho." He said as he dogged another slap from his wife." You dirty old man!" She yelled at him." You love this dirty old man" He slapped her round ass before finishing off the kid's lunch. He grabbed a bottle of ranch out of the counter and put it on the kitchen island where the three oldest sat waiting for their food. Kendall reached for the bottle of the ranch in his hand. He gave it to her along with a plate." That's fucking gross." He mumbled as he handed a plate to the other two."She's five, Holly liked cheese on her hotdogs and Will liked mustard on chips." Sebastian shivered as he remembers to remember his kid's weird appetites." That was also fucking gross." He gagged as he proceed to grab four jars of baby food." How about these next four be normal." Mateo giggled and clapped his hands.

Later that day Sebastian was sitting in their sunroom rubbing his pregnant wife's feet." You look as beautiful as you did the day I met you, baby girl." Alex gently kicked him in the face." You're so cheesy Bassy." He chuckled and kissed up her leg to her inner thigh. Her breath hitched slightly and grabbed his hair." Please, baby." She ran his fingers through his hair." Please what baby?" he smirked knowing exactly what she wanted from him." Please eat my pussy daddy." She begged. Sebastian stood up and then yanked off her shorts." If I give you beard burn I promise to lick and massage it every night." She giggled and spread her legs." Thank you, daddy, you know I love your beard daddy, and the beard burns on my body." He chuckled then grabbed her legs." Now let daddy have a taste."Sebastian lowered his head between her legs and licked up her cunt. The pregnant woman squeezed her legs slightly around his mouth." Holy shit Sebastian." She let a loud moan as he circled his tongue on her clit." Baby stop." She sat up and looked down at her husband." I need you inside me." Sebastian stood up and chuckled." Alex, you are more than aware of the rule I have on me being inside you when you're pregnant, I could hurt the baby or cause your water to break." Alex grabbed his arm and gave him puppy eyes." Baby please, I need to feel you inside me." Sebastian looked into her eyes and smiled."This is the only time." With that, he pulled off his belt with a swift motion. Her eyes widened then laid herself back on the chair." Relax princess." His voice was soft and gentle. She smiled as she spread her thighs. Sebastian kissed her head and he slowly pushed himself inside of her wet cunt." Still as tight as a few years ago."He began thrusting slowly into her not to hurt the baby or her. She threw her head back. He had begun to notice as she got to her second trimester she orgasmed a lot quicker than normal. Sebastian started thrusting faster and harder." Cum for me baby." She moaned loudly and came on his cock as Sebastian squeezed his balls forcing his own orgasm. He kissed his panting wife." What do the gossip columns say now?" He said with a smile." sexy, husband and father of SEVEN?!" She said with a loopy smile." And who knows how many more will come." He chuckled and kissed her once again." I'm happy I left her and I married you. We have so much ahead of us and I can't wait." She kissed his head." I love you so damn much Alex don't you ever forget it." The small woman looked up at the strong man on top of her." Yes, sir."

The End

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