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"And-And we slow danced!" Dream added through a full mouth, info dumping on Sapnap at lunch about the previous night. And Sapnap listened with an entertained smile on his lips, glad that his friend found enjoyment at the concert despite being upset beforehand about him not joining.

"Yeah?" Sapnap egged on.

"Yeah! And—" Dream explained the rest of the concert in vivid detail, down to the part where Charlotte and him screamed the lyrics to Jet Black Heart at each other, looking into each other's eyes instead of at the band.

"So you got her number then?"

Dream's smile dropped.

"Her snap?"

He pursed his lips.


His head hung in shame.

"Her name?" Sapnap emphasized, hoping his friend wasn't as stupid as he was thinking.

Dream lightly shook his head, not meeting Sapnap's eyes. He knew he should've, he just couldn't get the words to leave his lips last night when he was standing by her car.

"Dude..." Sapnap exasperated, "So you guys had a moment like that and you can't even get in touch with her? What if, like, what if that was fate?"

"You don't seriously believe in fate do you?" Dream laughed.

"Well no, but—"

"It was a fun night, I'm glad someone wanted to spend it with me," he playfully glared at Sapnap, "but that's all it was. I'm sure if her and I were meant to be friends, the higher powers would've given me the extra courage to ask for her socials."

"What if you met again!" Sapnap exclaimed, jumping in his seat.

Dream scoffed, "We live in Orlando dude and I don't even know if she does live here. She could've traveled. The chances of me running into her randomly, especially when I don't leave the house, is like impossible."

"Nothing's impossible," Sapnap grinned.

"Except for this."

"No, not this."

"If it's meant to be, and her and I are meant to be together, the universe will find a way to do that, you know? I'm not too worried," Dream responded, continuing to eat his food and finding something else to spark another conversation.

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