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[last part!!]

The afternoon felt like a fever dream when it rolled around the next day. Charlotte had left late, around four in the morning; nothing more went on besides cuddling and movie watching but neither were upset about that. They were taking it slow in their own way, unspoken.

When Dream finally rolled out of bed—waking up around 2pm from the late bed time—the bathroom was his first stop. He did all the things he usually does after waking up, like brushing his teeth, then went downstairs to prepare some food.

Charlotte, on the other hand, was severely sleep deprived and currently finishing up her morning shift at work. She barely slept when she got home after leaving Dream's house.

"So you didn't want me to meet Charlotte?" Sapnap asked, entering the kitchen shortly after Dream.

"Hmm?" Dream hummed, preoccupied in making some food on the stove.

"Charlotte came over last night?" Sapnap wasn't asking, though his tone said otherwise. Dream didn't catch that.

"I, uh, no?" Dream responded, trying to lie but anyone could see right through it, especially his best friend.

"C'mon dude," Sapnap laughed, "How'd it go?"

Dream couldn't help but smile, just thinking about Charlotte, "It was—it was good. Yeah, we just, we watched a few movies and cuddled."

"That's it?" Sapnap asked in shock. He knew that if he liked a girl as much as Dream liked Charlotte, and that she liked him back, exactly like their situation, he'd do something about it. Or at least he'd like to think he would.

"Yeah that's it," Dream chuckled. He glanced to Sapnap, "Look man, I'm sorry I didn't say anything about Charlotte coming over—"

"No it's all good," he responded, "I know you'll introduce me when you feel it's right. Whatever that means," he laughed it off and shrugged.

"I'll introduce you to her when we're actually dating," Dream then said.

"Ooh so you have a plan?" Sapnap cooed.

"I do, I do. I'm going to ask her out, just don't know when."

"Now?" Sapnap answered, nudging more when his friend seemed to oblige. He kept provoking him until Dream finally decided to text Charlotte.

Charlotte <3

i have a question

ask away :)

how would you feel about going to the pier tonight after work?

i would say it depends
is it a date?

of course

then yes, i would love to go on a date with you

great :) see you at 10

"Okay, okay, now will you leave me alone?" Dream laughed, shoving his phone in Sapnap's face. Sapnap did a once-over of their conversation, a smile forming on his face. He did a quick nod and showed his satisfaction towards Dream.

"Please tell me you're going to try to make it official tonight," Sapnap urged, stealing some food off the plate Dream prepared for himself. Dream slapped the top of his hand like his mother used to do when he was younger; she would make herself food, just for all the kids to huddle around her and take tiny bites until it was gone and she'd barely had any for herself.

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