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"Dude please, I don't want to go alone," Charlotte whined to her friend who was laying sideways on her bed. Her eyes glanced up at Charlotte before they darted back to her phone screen that she seemed more invested in than her friend in front of her.

"I mean, wouldn't've been a good idea to find someone to go with then buy the tickets?" Her friend griped, not even looking at Charlotte.

She groaned and flopped down on the bed, wondering what else she could say to get her friend to convince her to go, "But Valerie, it's a concert. Does it matter who the artist is?"

"Uh yeah," she responded sassily as if it was the dumbest question in the world, "Well, have fun at the concert," Valerie lightly patted Charlotte's thigh before getting up from the bed.

"Where're you going?" She implored.

"To spend time with my boyfriend, and not at some lame concert."

As Valerie waltzed out of the room and closed the door behind her, Charlotte felt teary eyed. The way her friend said goodbye didn't sit right with her; it felt like a personal jab at her. Maybe she was getting defensive because her friend called her favorite band lame. Or maybe she had every right to feel hurt from their interaction.

This would be Charlotte's first concert by herself. She'd usually be able to convince her little sister to come with her—unlike Valerie, she just loved listening to live music and the concert atmosphere—but she was too busy with finals and she didn't listen to 5 Seconds of Summer much anyways. Charlotte didn't blame her sister for not coming because she knew she would under different circumstances.

It was the idea of spending her time alone that worried her. Who would jam out, head bang, and all around act like an idiot with her at the concert? She felt dumb doing that alone. The last thing she wanted was to have an unenjoyable concert. She'd been listening to 5SOS since Troye Sivan did a cover of Heartbreak Girl nine years ago, introducing her to the band. Quite a weird way to enter a fandom, but it worked.

Charlotte wasn't sure of the dress code for this concert. Should she dress more grunge like the earlier days of 5SOS, or more colorful like Wildflower/Purple suit Luke type vibes? Ultimately she decided on early day 5SOS. It's when she was introduced to the fandom and it only felt right to dress like younger her would've wanted to.

She centered her outfit around her platform Doc Marten boots, putting on a black corset type top, the whole thing a pretty floral lace. Then, she put on a black skirt that had chains hanging off the makeshift belt loops. Lastly, she wore some thigh high socks.


Liked by ValC and 285 otherscharleedlelee i'm a sucker for anything that u doView all 18 comments

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Liked by ValC and 285 others
charleedlelee i'm a sucker for anything that u do
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She grabbed her phone and lanyard that had her car keys and earplugs attached. She knew the venue had a no bag policy, so there wasn't much she could bring.

Once she got inside the venue, the deep pit in her stomach seemed to float to the top. Being around people who all shared the same interest, the venue, the vibes in the atmosphere, it felt like home. Concerts were such a comfort place and she didn't think spending this one alone would be all that bad anymore.

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