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Liked by EthanH12 and 303 others
charleedlelee cause good girls are bad girls that haven't been caught
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"She's just so..." Dream trailed off, staring at the picture Charlotte just posted on Instagram. He was laying belly down on Sapnap's bed, swaying his legs back and forth in the air like a preteen with a school crush. Sapnap was working on editing his video for once, but he had one ear off so he could still hear Dream talking.

"Hot?" Sapnap filled in, spinning around in his chair to look at Dream. He stifled a giggle at Dream's position, then turned back to the monitor before he full on laughed.

"Oh my god dude."

Dream had been talking to Charlotte nonstop for a week now. He couldn't completely gauge how she felt about him, but he had fallen completely fixated on her. They found more to talk about other than 5 Seconds of Summer. It took a days worth of awkward, small talk but they'd opened up to each other. He felt ridiculous for having a crush on her only a week into being friends, so he hadn't told anyone except for Sapnap.

"Lemme see the photo," Sapnap asked, smirking and reaching his arm out for the phone. Dream didn't think anything of it, so he shrugged and handed it off to him.

Sapnap looked at it for a solid second before opening the comments and adding a few heart eye emojis from Dream's personal account that he follows Charlotte on. Then he closed out of the comment section and handed the phone back before Dream suspected anything.

Charlotte was laying in bed when she received the notification. She immediately went to their iMessage chats and started to type out a message, a silly smile on her face. She was blushing, her face heating up. Charlotte pressed her hands against her cheek after sending a message, her phone laying open on her chest.

Dream continued scrolling through his Instagram until he received a text from Charlotte only a minute after Sapnap had sent the comment.

dreamie boy

thx for being my hype man on ig

"Sapnap what the fuck did you do," Dream deadpanned, quickly opening Instagram to see the damage he caused. When he saw the comments, he got anxious, but not the 'I'm going to throw up' type anxious. He couldn't quite pinpoint it.

"I'm just giving you a little nudge," he responded, his voice going high pitched on the 'little'.

"She messaged me!" Dream freaked out, "She said thanks for being my hype man. How the fuck do I respond to that?"

"Just be smooth," Sapnap said.

"I don't know anything about being smooth. I introduced myself as Dream when I first messaged her!"

"Okay well—"

"You don't know how to be smooth either! You had me on FaceTime the whole time when you were driving those girls home that one night."

"Why do you bring that up like every time we talk about girls bro?" Sapnap whined.

The room filled with silence and the conversation was dropped as they both continued their previous tasks: Sapnap editing and Dream trying to conjure a text to respond to her with.

dreamie boy

i'll always be your hype man <3

"Oh my god I sent a heart why'd I send a heart," Dream panicked at the same time Charlotte was. And the irony was they were panicking about the same thing.

"He sent a heart," Charlotte panicked, speaking out loud in a whisper while she was alone in her room. The LEDs were set to a bluish purple as 5 Seconds of Summer CALM vinyl played beside her.

Dream stared at the read receipt that got further away from the genuine time each minute. Charlotte typed, deleted, stared, typed again. It was a vicious cycle as she thought of how to respond. She didn't know if he was being friendly or flirty. I mean, heart eye emojis on a selfie then a heart over text? What was that supposed to mean?

She hated how fast she was falling for him. It'd only been a week but she felt like she knew him for years. They were able to talk for hours nonstop, conversations never getting old. At some parts, they'd even flirt, but both would ignore the signs and underlying messages.

Finally, Charlotte decided to respond with a generic response that still held a flirty tone.

dreamie boy

good, i hope that never changes :)

Dream giggled and Sapnap rolled over to the bed in his chair to snatch the phone out of Dream's hands. He read over the text, smiling like an idiot because he was happy for his friend. He hadn't been with anyone since his ex and he knew how badly that relationship messed with his head. He just hoped Charlotte could be good for him.

dreamie boy

so when can i be your hype man in person?

Sapnap sent the text and handed Dream's phone back to him. Dream rolled his eyes, but wasn't irritated this time around. Hell, he knew he wouldn't have been able to come up to a response by himself. He probably would've hearted the message and left her on read.

Charlotte squealed, responding quickly as to not seem uninterested.

dreamie boy

how does friday sound? :)

that sounds perfect :)

good, it's a date then

can't wait!

"We're going out on Friday," Dream said. Sapnap whipped his head around to look at his best friend, his smile was bright and he genuinely felt so much happiness seeing how giddy Charlotte made Dream. He knew they were moving a bit quick, but that was how Dream was. He gave a person his all, almost like they became a hyperfixation for him.

"I'm excited for you man!"

Dream smiled at his phone, pressing it against his chest and burying his face in the pillow he was hugging. Charlotte, hugging a pillow from the side, hearted Dream's 'can't wait' message then went back to Instagram to distract herself from the bubbly feelings. She couldn't help but feel intoxicated by these feelings, glad that she had bit down the anxiety and asked Dream to dance with her at the concert.

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