ending note

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pls stick around to read the whole note :)


this is going to be a little different of an end note than usual, compared to ihys and calpal because there is something important i do want to mention.

first off, i hope you guys enjoyed this little short story! i have entered my 5sos fixation again because i'm seeing them in july for the first time! so i thought this could appease my brain a bit.

i am thinking about adding a bonus chapter of dream introducing charlotte to sapnap since it was talking about so much in the story, but it's currently not written so i'm not sure when it'd get done if it does.

i planned for this to end when the relationship started, just because i wanted a fic on my page that didn't delve so deep into a relationship aspect between an oc and the yt/streamer i was writing about. but again, there's always the opportunity for bonus content with this story which i like :)


this is something i've seen with my content for a bit now that i just wanted to address. i have seen quite a few comments on multiple fanfics of mine, not just calpal, but my other fandom fanfics as well like my colby brock one that have been negative. i am completely okay with constructive criticism if it is put in a kind, positive way! im all for improving my writing as i know im nowhere near perfect. however, seeing negative comments on my writing or characters, i will admit, is kinda hurtful. especially when i put a tiny little piece of me in my characters or my storyline, it feels very disheartening to see it be treated like that. at the end of the day, writers on here put time and effort into the little fanfics they put out for their readers, whether you read every work by them or just happen to stumble upon one of their works. i know they are just fanfictions, and some may say they are not "real" works of art, but they are to me and the writers and most of the readers. so please remember that the writers do get notified when you comment on any part of their story and they do read said comment. and i dont know, maybe some of you dont even know your comment could have negative connotations attached to it. again, what's the point in being mean when all us writers out here are just trying to vibe and share our hobby with you? :)

examples of some sorta mean things ive seen recently on my stories (not exact because i dont want anyone to feel called out):

every story is like this omg they meet too early

if i was writing this story i would never make them take this long to get together 

girl why is her character acting like that i would never do that

things like this, can personally feel negative to me. i dont mind comments like these if they are worded differently. i understand everyone is going to have an opinion on my stories and i understand i cant stop you from expressing your opinion and i cant expect people to only express their happy opinions on my stories. like yes, tell me you disliked the sad ending! tell me you would've preferred an alternative ending and describe how you would've done it! but don't do it in a condescending way in the examples above. i love discussions on my stories and if you look in my comment sections on all my stories (especially my newer ones) you can see im very engaged with my readers. i love reading your guys' comments and listening to your guys feedback. i especially remember one comment on IHYS of someone (i dont know if they would want me to tag them so ill leave it anon) saying they preferred the sad ending and disliked the happy ending (which most people preferred, a big reason why i wrote it).

also i do want to add. i mention this, i think in every beginning note of every recent fanfic, that i develop the oc's around myself whether that be a tiny aspect or the whole character. im not sure how many writers do this (i know i cant be the only one), so just keep this in mind when you make a dig at an oc. im not telling you not to, because damn you guys are hilarious, but just be mindful on the oc's struggles in the story and don't comment on those in the comment section. i thought that would be common sense. for example, in calpal, Cal has an ED and i saw SEVERAL comments mocking her for her ED and making near offensive comments about it which went on to not only trigger me (who mentioned in the beginning note that i struggled with an ED and that's why Cal has one), but make me angry as well. Yes, these are fictional characters, but they are human beings in a fictional world. they are developed off real human beings like myself dealing with real humanly struggles like EDs and i dont believe that just because they are fictional, they should be treated like that in my comment section. but i dont know, we can debate in this comment section if you think differently :)

i think that's all i wanted to say and i do appreciate the ones that did stick around to read my thousand word rant because it's been on my mind for almost a year now.

with the bad commenters though, there have been some super AMAZING ones as well and i hope you all know who you are. i'd shout some of you out but i don't wanna make anyone uncomfortable, then also leave anyone out. but especially all the people that were there for every update of IHYS like on the dot, i just love the IHYS comment section with my whole heart. i dont know if im biased because it's my fav fanfic ive written but literally those commenters, you guys <33

i dont know, i feel like everyone that found me through calpal and has followed my writing from IHYS to now this, you guys are the sweetest and i love all of you and i hope i can produce more (i swear if the next one isnt a karl dystopian fic imma be mad at myself i want it so bad) cool fanfics for you. 

again, sorry for the super duper long end note. i really hope you guys stuck around to read it, even though i feel like the ones that really needed to read it never will. it's such an important discussion that i feel a lot of writers never open up. but i'd love to hear the readers opinions on it! 

love you all, until next time

kiwi <3

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