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"Hello?" Karl called into his microphone. He'd invited a few of his friends on stream to play some games, Dream being among them. He was hit with realization, fairly quickly too, that his friends' attention was on something far more important than his trivial steam games. And that was something he couldn't blame Dream for.

Karl, as well as everyone else in the inner circle of their friend group, had heard plenty of Charlotte. Down to how she smelled when Dream hugged her, which some of the boys thought was TMI but cute regardless.

"I'm here," Dream responded, chuckling and putting down his phone on his desk.

"Who're you texting Dream?" Sapnap inquired, knowing damn well he was talking to Charlotte.

It'd been weeks since their first date and while Charlotte and Dream have hung out plenty since then, Dream still hadn't brought her back to the house so Sapnap could meet her. He'd heard all about her though; after hanging out, Dream would always go into Sapnap's room and talk about his night with her.

"Ooh is it your girlfriend?" Karl teased.

"We're not dating," Dream responded, a big smile on his face despite the fact that he practically confirmed to the viewers that he was in the talking stage with a girl.

"Not yet," Punz added.

"Shut up," Dream replied.

They moved on after teasing him for a couple more minutes but the viewers didn't. It was all over the timeline, even going as far as trending the topic; as if Dream's love life was the budding new romance movie coming to theatres. He was on display for the world's entertainment, but he was so enthralled by Charlotte that he hadn't a care.

"I'm going to head to bed guys," Dream spoke, Sapnap following him, leading the rest of the group to dismember and call it a night. Karl texted his group chat the usual "thanks for coming" speech before laying in bed that night.

However, Dream didn't actually go to bed. No, he stayed up texting Charlotte, using his bed as a polite excuse to ditch the stream.

char <3

i miss youuuu 

id say come over but my roommates here

i mean he did say he was going to bed

wanna come over?

you don't have to ask me twice

Dream sprung out of bed, looking at the state of his room and quickly getting to work. There were clothes on the floor that didn't quite make it to the dirty hamper, old dishes on his desk from when he was eating while editing that didn't quite make it down to the dish washer, and things just out of place in general.

So he was opening his door, tip toeing down the stairs, dropping dishes in the sink, rustling garbage bags, and all around making a lot of noise. He hoped it didn't cause Sapnap to wake up if he was asleep already or come out of his room questioning him. He wasn't quite ready for him to meet Charlotte yet. Even if it had been weeks since their first encounter.

Dream stood in the doorway looking over his room, wondering if there was anything else that needed to be done. One of his green Dream hoodies was folded on the chair. He was able to throw it in his closet haphazardly before his phone pinged with a text.

With one last glance to the room, he shrugged off the remaining state of the room and quietly made his way downstairs to greet Charlotte at the door.

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