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Charlotte spent hours getting ready once Friday rolled around. She had changed her outfit multiple times, never knowing if she was overdressing, underdressing, or dressing accurately for the occasion. Then, she tried different hairstyles before landing on just leaving it down.

Dream messed with his hair in the mirror, running his fingers through it so many times he got used to the feeling of his fingertips against his scalp. He ended up leaving it how it was, messed up slightly and left down. He had naturally wavy hair, so it curled up at the bottom.

Dream decided on wearing a nice black Nike jumper and some khaki pants. Then, he changed the pants to some regular wash jeans. After changing back into the khakis, wanting to change again, he finally just walked into Sapnap's room in just his boxers with both pairs in his arms.

"Yo dude c'mon," Sapnap laughed.

"Help me!"

Dream first put on the khakis, then the jeans which Sapnap was quick to choose. He claimed the khakis made his friend look too much like a "classic white boy using daddy's money". It was so specific that Dream couldn't help but laugh.

Charlotte chose a orange (more coral) tank top that had cut outs in the side. She paired it with some regular wash skinnies and tied on her black platform converse. Dream was picking her up from her apartment; they'd decided on going to the beach, the one with the ferris wheel.

Dream spritzed some cologne on his skin, his favorite smelling one. It wasn't too overpowering, and it was a very clean scent. He figured a subtle one would be the way to go.

Then he grabbed Sapnap's keys from him and skipped out to the car. He'd cleaned the car earlier in the afternoon as Sapnap had the passenger seat filled with crumpled receipts. The cup holder even had a week old wrapped Subway sandwich sitting there. That was fun.

Dream pulled up to her apartment, sending her a text to let her know. He popped a breath strip into his mouth, breathing out of his mouth when the coolness filled it.

"Hey we're matching...kind of," Charlotte giggled as she stepped into the car. As she turned to buckle, Dream smiled at the sight of her.

"Uh so I figured it'd only be right if we..." he trailed off as CALM played over the car speakers.

"You remembered my favorite album," she smiled.

"Of course I did," he responded, backing out of the parking lot.

She grinned and turned to look out the window, quietly singing along to High. She tugged at the strings of the friendship bracelet on her wrist, fiddling with them as she watched the scenery fly by. Regardless of seeing it multiple times, she'd still felt intrigued.

"C'mon let's go to the arcade!" Charlotte grabbed Dream's hand, wrapping her fingers around it to connect theirs together. She started tugging on the interlocked hands, and though it was barely moving Dream, he pretended like she was pulling him along completely.

"I'm a pro skee-baller," Charlotte boasted, glancing at Dream with a devious look in her eyes and turning away before he saw her get flustered.

"I'd like to see you try to beat me."

And they each started at their own lane, throwing their balls speedily like it was a timed race. Charlotte made the high score by a thousand points and Dream looked at her lovingly while she celebrated. He couldn't help but stare at her, thinking god how cute this girl is.

They played several arcade games, Dream even won her a big kirby stuffie. Sure it took twenty-three tries, and it dropped eleven times, but finally it landed in the drop box. By complete accident, too, taking a same sized king boo plushie with it.

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