💗 Episode 1: Cure Rhythm appears again!

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💗 Scene 1 💗

*In the spaceship*
*Lala and Lolo see the stars from afar*
Lala: Woah! I am so happy to be back again after 4 Earth years ~lun.
Lolo: Isn't it? You do miss Earth, do you ~lun?
Lala: I am, yet I still miss Fuwa, Prunce, and all of my friends in Saman ~lun.
Lolo: Do you miss Hikaru (Hoshina) ~lun?
Lala: Of course I do! We have many moments together. I wonder what she's doing right now ~lun.
Lolo: If you must know, travelling from Saman to Earth surely takes you around months or even years, but if you want to go there in just a few minutes, we have to cross the portal ~lun.
Lala: Oh...
Lolo: Don't worry! *sees something* I found something interesting ~lun!
Lala: Huh?! *also sees what Lolo sees* Am I dreaming? Is that a portal ~lun?
Lolo: Yes! Say... What if we will go to that portal, Lala?
Lala: Oh, yes! That's a great idea, Lolo. Let's do this ~lun!
*In Lucky Spoon (in Kanon Town, Japan)*
*Kanade puts two boxes (one dozen each) of cupcakes into the table*
Nodoka: Thank you for the cupcakes, Kanade. How can I even repay you?
Kanade: You don't have to repay me, Nodoka. I cooked that cupcake just for you.
Nodoka: Eh? Really?
Kanade: Yes! I hope you don't mind.
Nodoka: So, Kanade, mind if I go? I have to fix my things for my enrollment.
Kanade: Okay, sure!
Nodoka: Bye, Kanade! *grabs the two boxes of cupcakes and leaves*
Kanade: What a day!
*Souta (Minamino) appears on the scene*
Souta: Hey, Big Sis Kanade! How's your talk with your friend whom you just met few months ago?
Kanade: Who? Nodoka?
Souta: Yes! So, anyways, are you ready to enter college soon enough?
Kanade: Kind of. In fact, I was really nervous. Nodoka and I will attend the same school, which is Aijou University.
Souta: Is that so? I was also nervous in the first day of school because... Never mind. I better go fix my things for school. *leaves*
Kanade: Okay!
*At the outside*
*Nodoka is walking while in a happy smile*
Nodoka: Finally! I can give the cupcakes to my parents. I hope the icing doesn't melt. Travelling from Kanon Town to Sukoyaka City takes me hours.
*the unknown sound is heard*
Nodoka: Huh?! What is that sound?

💗 Scene 2 💗

*An hour later*
*In the park in Sukoyaka City*
*The spaceship was destroyed and was surrounded by 6 people (3 girls, 3 boys) who took a look at it*
*Lala and Lolo hid behind the tree watching the people from afar*
Lolo: This is so bad ~lun!
Lala: We're now stranded. What shall we do now ~lun.
Lolo: There's only one thing to do ~lun?
Lala: What is it?
Lolo: To fix the spaceship, but of course it took us weeks to complete it ~lun.
*Lolo and Lala sees Nodoka running towards a broken spaceship*
(Nodoka Scene)
Nodoka: *To the Girls 1 and 2* What is going on here?
Girl 1: The spaceship was destroyed.
Nodoka: What? Who owns this spaceship?
Girl 2: I have no clue. Probably by an astronaut, but he might have ran away right after.
Nodoka: When does it happened?
Girl 2: Almost an hour ago. Whoever that astronaut is, he was wandering around looking for a shelter.
Nodoka: I see.
(Lolo and Lala Scene)
Lala: *points at Nodoka* Let's talk to that girl ~lun.
Lolo: Huh?! Why?
Lala: Don't ask ~lun! *goes towards Nodoka*
Lolo: Lala, wait!
Lala: *To Nodoka* Um, Hello?
Nodoka: Hi! Do I know you?
Boy 1: *To Nodoka and Lala* I think we all give you some privacy. *To the other 5 people* Let's get out of here.
*The 6 people leave the scene*
Nodoka: *To Lala* So, how can I help you?
Lala: Not really. I was decided to talk to you because I know your face ~lun.
Nodoka: Eh?! Oh, yes! I already know you! We met during our picnic together long time ago. If you forgot my name, I'm Nodoka Hanadera. And you are...
Lala: Lala Hagoromo, but... Hagoromo isn't my original last name ~lun. Samanian doesn't have last names ~lun.
Nodoka: Samanian?
Lala: That's how people of Saman called, and I'm one of them! Saman is a planet far away from Earth ~lun.
Nodoka: WHAT?! So, you're an alien?
Lala: Yes! And I suppose you lived here in Japan ~lun.
Nodoka: Right.
*Lolo is still hiding behind the tree*
Lolo: Jeez, Lala! *walks into the forest further*
(Nodoka and Lala scene)
Nodoka: *To herself* I'm gonna call Kanade to come here. Hold this! *gives two boxes of cupcakes to Lala*
Lala: Okay.
*Nodoka grabs her phone*
Lala: Who's Kanade?
Nodoka: My friend. She will be my schoolmate this school year.
Lala: Oh.
Nodoka: Don't worry. You'll meet Kanade later, only if she comes here.

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