💗 Episode 9: A Precious Festival for Nodoka!

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💗 Intro 💗

Kanade: Hello! I'm Kanade Minamino!
Nodoka: My name is Nodoka Hanadera!
Lala: Lala Hagoromo here ~lun!
Kanade, Nodoka, and Lala: The three of us are best friends!
Nodoka: You heard it right! Anyways, our 4 friends wonder if they can become Precures like us 3.
Lala: Erika, Yayoi, Alice, and Emiru, you say ~lun?
Kanade: Obviously. If all seven of us are Precures, shall we decide a group name?
Lala: Let's wait and see, Kanade, but I liked the idea of having a group name ~lun.
Nodoka: Same, because having one means we're united.
Kanade and Lala: Oooh!
Kanade: You have a point there, Nodoka.

💗 Scene 1 💗

*In Nodoka's Classroom (Aijou University)*
Yuwa: Is it true that you lived in Sukoyaka City?
Arisa: I'm sure there are lots of foods there.
Kaito: Mhm! One of my High School classmate lived in Sukoyaka, too.
Nodoka: That's good to hear. By the way, the festival in my hometown will be tomorrow.
Yuwa, Arisa, and Kaito: Oooh!
Yuwa: That's great, Nodoka!
Arisa: And who will you invite to the Festival?
Nodoka: My best friends, Kanade Minamino and Lala Hagoromo.
Kaito: Wait. Is Lala the one with pointy ears? She's so extraordinary.
Arisa: And also, Kanade is pretty. I heard that her family owns a cake shop in Kanon Town.
Nodoka: If you mean Lucky Spoon, have you went there, too?
Arisa: Once, but it was a year ago.
Nodoka: You know what, guys? You should go to the Festival tomorrow. There, you can enjoy watching the parade, eating the town's trademark food, and-
Yuwa: What is Sukoyaka's trademark food again?
Nodoka: Uh... Sweet Buns. I lived in Sukoyaka for 5 years already.
Arisa: That's great, Nodoka. I hope we can see Lala and Kanade again.
Nodoka: Don't worry, you'll see them around since they're our schoolmates. You'll meet them someday.
*A few minutes later*
*In the school lobby*
Nodoka: I can't wait to bring Kanade and Lala to the festival. I suddenly remember the time where I became healthy when attending the festival.
*5 years ago*
*In the living room in Nodoka's house (Sukoyaka City, Japan)*
Takeshi (Hanadera): *To Nodoka* So, do you enjoy this town's festival?
Nodoka: Of course, Father. The festival made me alive.
Yasuko (Hanadera): If only you aren't sick in the past few years.
Nodoka: Mother, Father, it's okay. It's all in the past. The most important thing is that we can live a normal life.
Yasuko: You're right, because I can finally work as a delivery girl.
Nodoka: I still miss my friends in Pikarigaoka. Can we visit there soon?
Yasuko: Why of course, Nodoka. Tell me. Who did you miss?
Nodoka: Elena Shiina. She was my elementary classmate.
Takeshi: If you want, we can invite her to your birthday party next year.
Nodoka: Is this for real?!
Takeshi: Of course. For my one and only daughter.
Yasuko: I bet you missed your elementary school, too, huh?
Nodoka: Yes!
*flashback ends*
Nodoka: This is it! Since this is my 5th year to celebrate Sukoyaka Festival, I could also invite Lolo and Souta (Minamino), too.

💗 Scene 2 💗

*A few hours later*
*In the cafe (Nanairogaoka, Japan)*
Kanade and Lala: Tomorrow?!
Nodoka: Haven't you guys forgot about Sukoyaka Festival?
Kanade: We don't forget about the Festival, but why do we have to go there tomorrow?
Nodoka: Because tomorrow is the opening of the Festival.
Lala: Until when is the festival ~lun?
Nodoka: The festival lasts for 4 days.
Kanade: That's great!
Nodoka: Also, don't forget to bring Lolo and Souta with you.
Lala: We'll ask both Lolo and Souta if they agree ~lun.
Kanade: They're probably busy with their assignments. Even I'm busy studying for the quiz, too.
Nodoka: Right, but you don't want to be stressed, right?
Kanade: No. To be honest, I wanna go out tomorrow to refreshen up.
Lala: Me, too ~lun. School is sometimes stressful. We deserve a break ~lun.
*Kanade and Nodoka nod*
*Erika and Alice appear on scene*
Erika: Sorry we're late!
Kanade: Erika, Alice, you both are here on time. Where are Yayoi and Emiru?
Erika: They can't come with us today because of different things, Kanade. Yayoi needs to help Aunt Chiharu (Kise) with the household chores while Emiru is practicing for her concert next week.
Lala: Who's Aunt Chiharu ~lun?
Erika: She's Yayoi's mother.
Alice: I hope you don't mind, but can we join in?
Kanade: Of course, Alice.
Nodoka: You and Erika are our friends, so feel free to approach us.
Erika and Alice: Thank you!
Erika: Tomorrow is the best day ever for sure. Speaking of Yayoi and Emiru, they will attend the festival as well.
Kanade, Nodoka, and Lala: REALLY?!
Erika: Yes!
Nodoka: Finally! All seven of us are complete.
*An hour later*
*On the streets (Kanon Town, Japan)*
Kanade: *To Nodoka* Are you excited to sleep in my house?
Nodoka: YES!
Rabirin: Now, I can eat cakes for free ~rabi.
Lala: Um, Rabirin, cakes aren't for free ~lun. You need to pay for it ~lun.
Rabirin: Right.
Kanade: Lala, we can eat leftovers for free. We must eat leftover foods as soon as possible.
Nodoka: What do you mean?
Kanade: You can't store the food forever. It should be thrown after 1 week.
Rery: I suggest we must give leftovers to the poor ~rere.
Fary: That's right! Many people who grew up in poverty badly needs food ~fafa.
Lala: I liked that idea, Fairy Tones!
Rery and Fary: Thank you, Lala!
Lala: Don't mention it ~lun.
Nodoka: *To Kanade* Where can I sleep if we're in your house, Kanade?
Kanade: In my room. Since we only have one bed, you should sleep on the floor with Lala.
Nodoka: Okay!
*Another few hours later*
*In Kanade's bedroom in the Minamino Household/Lucky Spoon*
*Kanade sleeps on the bed, while Nodoka and Lala sleep on the floor*
*Rery, Fary, and Rabirin go outside of the bedroom*
Fary: *To Rery and Rabirin* I hope those trio will give us attention ~fafa.
Rery: What do you mean ~rere?
Fary: They should talk to us even for a bit ~fafa.
Rabirin: Don't tell me you want to expose yourself in public. It's a big NO ~rabi.
Rery: I was worried about you, Fary. I remember the time where you were being so popular by Kanon Town citizens because you were chased after by the villain ~rere.
Rabirin: What?! *To Fary* Fary, is this true ~rabi?!
*Fary nods*

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