💗 Episode 8: Lala prepares for School Project!

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💗 Intro 💗

Kanade: Hello! I'm Kanade Minamino!
Nodoka: My name is Nodoka Hanadera!
Lala: Lala Hagoromo here ~lun!
Kanade, Nodoka, and Lala: All three of us are Precures!
Kanade: Our four friends finally learned our secrets.
Lala: Not only that, we also learned they're Precures as well ~lun.
Kanade: I wonder if they become a Cure again.
Nodoka and Lala: Yeah.
Lala: Either way, if they did become one, they will help us ~lun.
Nodoka: We're their friends, so I guaranteed that they'll help us.
Kanade: Me too.
Lala: I trusted them, and I hope they won't disappoint us ~lun.

💗 Scene 1 💗

*In the downtown (Kibougahana, Japan)*
*The boy was being affected by negative aura*
*The Oshimaida (Tape Recorder) attacks the town*
Himeko: So, it seems that you three got struggled to kick the monster's ass. You better try harder, Precures!
Oshimaida (Tape Recorder): Oshimaida!
Cure Rhythm: *To Grace and Milky* Grace, Milky, are you guys ready!
*Grace and Milky nods*
Rabirin: Let's go ~rabi!
*Grace jumps towards the Oshimaida (Tape Recorder) and punches the said monster*
*Rhythm and Milky jump towards the Oshimaida (Tape Recorder) together as well*
Cure Rhythm and Cure Milky: HAAA! *kicks the monster together*
*The Oshimaida (Tape Recorder) takes a hit and loses its balance*
Oshimaida (Tape Recorder): Oshi!
*Rhythm, Grace, and Milky reunite with each other*
Himeko: Oh, no! These three overpowered my monster!
Cure Milky: *nods* This is the end of you ~lun!
Rabirin: *To Grace* Grace, you should purify the monster now ~rabi!
Cure Grace: Alright!
Cure Grace: *draws a heart* Element Charge!
*A heart made of flowers disperses*
Rabirin: *while her paw was touched by Grace three times* Cure! Cure! Cure!
Cure Grace and Rabirin: Raise the Healing Gauge!
Cure Grace: Pretty Cure, Healing Flower! *fires her attack at the Oshimaida (Tape Recorder)*
*The Oshimaida (Tape Recorder) takes a hit*
Oshimaida (Tape Recorder): Please accept my resignation! *vanishes*
*the tape recorder turns back to normal and the boy was freed from the negative aura*
Cure Grace and Rabirin: Take care!
Himeko: Dang! I must get out of here! *leaves*
*Every damage turns back to normal*
*Rhythm, Grace, and Milky giggle*
*A few minutes later*
*Rhythm, Grace, and Milky are surrounded by the townspeople*
*The 4 Cameramen took a video for the trio*
Reporter 1 (Woman): *To Rhythm, Grace, and Milky* Thank you for saving this day, Precures! How can we begin to thank you?
Cure Rhythm: You can thank us anytime, Miss.
Reporter 2 (Man): Anyways, we spotted you three fighting a monster the last day. How come you three decided to be interviewed now?
Cure Milky: Privacy reasons. Since the video of us battling a monster was spread all over the social media, we decided to break our silence ~lun.
Cure Grace: Since we do not know when the monster came, we just need to prepare.
Reporter 1 (Woman): I see. And you're right there. We all need privacy.
Cure Grace: If you need anything, you can call us.
Cure Rhythm: For now, we need to go!
Cure Milky: Bye, bye!
*Rhythm, Grace, and Milky jump away together*
*The townspeople cheer for Rhythm, Grace, and Milky as they leave*
Girl 1: Cure Grace!
Girls 2 and 3: Cure Rhythm!
Boy 1: Cure Milky, I wanna see you!

💗 Scene 2 💗

*A few hours later*
*In the Botanical Garden (in Kibougahana, Japan)*
Erika: *To Kanade, Nodoka, and Lala*  You three are great! Someone watched the video of you three fighting a monster earlier!
Kanade: Yeah. I noticed that.
Alice: It looks like Nodoka, Lala, and Kanade gained a lot of fans.
Rabirin: You said it ~rabi.
Fary: By the way, if all four of you used to become Precures, why did you guys give up your powers in the first place ~fafa?
Emiru, Erika, Alice, and Yayoi: Uh...
Yayoi: I think it's because we wanted to live a normal life.
Alice: There's no reason for us to remain as Precures now that our enemy was beaten.
Emiru: And since our mission was over, we should be brought back to normal.
Rery: I see, but as long as evil exists, the villains keep coming back, and here we are ~rere.
Emiru: If only I never gave up on becoming Cure Macherie.
Nodoka: Cheer up, Emiru! You can be a Precure in a near future.
Yayoi: And I can't wait to be Cure Peace again since 4 years.
Erika: Too bad Coffret left me behind. If he's here, I would have become Cure Marine until today.
Lala: Who is Coffret ~lun?
Erika: He's my fairy partner. Coffret lives in the sky called Heart Tree.
Rabirin: Queen Teatinu told me about the Heart Tree ~rabi. She said that the Heart Tree is responsible for the fairies' birth ~rabi.
Lala: If Coffret lives there, his birth is probably given by the said tree ~lun.
Nodoka: And Heart Tree is alive as long as the Precures exist.
Kanade, Nodoka, Lala, Rabirin, Rery, and Fary: Yes!
Kanade: We went to Healing Garden once, that's why we knew.
Alice: That's good to hear, Kanade.
Kanade: And, since many people already knew the Precure's existence, it's about time we mustn't let them down.
Fary: Fair point ~fafa.
Emiru: Aha! I have an idea! I suggest you three will prepare a fan meeting. Don't worry. I will be the event host!
Yayoi: That idea is so great, Emiru!
Emiru: Thanks, Yayoi.
Alice: And feel free to tell your secret to Sebastian. He knows that I'm Cure Rosetta.
Nodoka: Sebastian is your butler, right?
Alice: Yes!
Lala: I wish all four of you can join us ~lun. Let's save a day together, shall we?
Emiru, Erika, Alice, and Yayoi: Uh...
Erika: Why of course, Lala!
*Emiru, Alice, and Yayoi nod*
Emiru: We can be a hero even without powers!
Yayoi: *nods* And I will design a costume just like Miracle Peace does!
Nodoka: Great! Is she your friend, Yayoi?
Yayoi: No. She's just a fictional character from my comic series.
Nodoka: I see.
Lala: Oh, wait! I should buy the things for my school project today ~lun. I need it tomorrow ~lun.
Kanade, Nodoka, Rabirin, Rery, and Fary: EH?!
Rery: Right now ~rabi?!
Lala: Yes!
Alice: If that's the case, you need to go now while it's early.
Kanade, Nodoka, and Lala: Okay!
Emiru: Last before you go, we will tell you something.
Nodoka: Okay. What is it, Emiru?
Emiru: Just like we promised last time, we will never tell anyone about your secret.
Erika, Alice, and Yayoi: Mhm!
Erika: And then, we will promote you three in Cure form so that people will aware that the Precures exist. Is that okay with you?
*Kanade, Nodoka, and Lala nod happily*

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