💗 Episode 2: Cure Grace is here now!

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💗 Intro 💗

Kanade: Hello! I'm Kanade Minamino!
Nodoka: My name is Nodoka Hanadera!
Lala: Lala Hagoromo here ~lun!
Nodoka: Kanade, Lala, and I have started a blooming friendship together.
Lala: And then, Kanade becomes Cure Rhythm, to save the day ~lun.
Nodoka: She doesn't need a Pretty Cure partner anymore to transform, so...
Kanade: I wonder if Nodoka and Lala will become Cure Grace and Cure Milky again.
Lala: Well, let's wait and see ~lun.
Nodoka: We will find out who is next.
Kanade: Yeah! I wonder who will be.

💗 Scene 1 💗

*In the Healing Garden*
Rabirin: How come you asked me to come here, Queen Teatinu?
Queen Teatinu: Now that I sensed the forces of evil coming towards Japan, I wanted you to go back to Nodoka.
Rabirin: Why ~rabi?
Queen Teatinu: Nodoka needs you. She probably wants to fight alongside you.
Rabirin: Alright! I won't let you down ~rabi!
Queen Teatinu: And don't forget to bring a Healing Room Bag! *gives a Healing Room Bag to Rabirin*
Rabirin: Thank you ~rabi. *flies away while bringing the Healing Room Bag*
Queen Teatinu: Good luck, Rabirin!
Rabirin: Okay!
*A few minutes later in the sky*
*While flying, Rabirin sees the Sukoyaka City's bird's-eye view*

Rabirin: I wonder if Nodoka is still in Sukoyaka after I left 4 years earlier ~rabi. I guess I must have checked Nodoka's house then ~rabi.
*Another few minutes later*
*At the outside of Nodoka's house*
Rabirin: I wonder if she still lives here ~rabi.
*Nodoka arrives in the house*
Nodoka: My enrolment is done. I'm happy that Kanade and Lala will be my schoolmates.
Rabirin: That must be Nodoka! *flies towards Nodoka*
*Rabirin shows up in front of Nodoka*
Rabirin: Hi there, Nodoka!
Nodoka: Rabirin, is that you?
Rabirin: Yes. At last, we see each other again after 4 years has passed ~rabi.
Nodoka: I know right? *hugs Rabirin* It's been a dream come true but... *drops Rabirin* What are you doing here?
Rabirin: Queen Teatinu wanted me to come back after she sensed a Megabyogen attacking this city yesterday ~rabi.
Nodoka: I know.
Rabirin: What do you mean? You saw what happened ~rabi?
Nodoka: I do. I saw the whole event. I was even in there and my friend Kanade is the one who purify the Megabyogen.
Rabirin: Your friend is a Pretty Cure ~rabi?
Nodoka: Yes. Her name is Kanade Minamino.
Rabirin: I see. What is her Cure name ~rabi?
Nodoka: Cure Rhythm.
Rabirin: Can you bring me to her ~rabi?
Nodoka: Sure.

💗 Scene 2 💗

*A few days later*
*In the Main Square (in Kanon Town, Japan)*
Kanade: *To Nodoka* So, Rabirin decided to stay with you, huh?
Nodoka: Yes! Good thing she remembered where I lived.
Rabirin: And I was surprised that you became a Cure to purify the Megabyogen, Kanade.
Kanade: Thanks, Rabirin.
Lala: Is it true that Cure Scan is needed and also a stethoscope ~lun?
Rabirin: Yes, Lala! Cure Scan is where you can locate the Elemental Spirit inside the Megabyogen ~rabi. And stethoscope is needed to hear the Elemental Spirits' thoughts ~rabi.
Kanade, Lala, Rery, and Fary: Oooh!
Fary: One question, Rabirin. Why are you here in the first place ~fafa?
Rabirin: Queen Teatinu asked me to come here since she sensed the forces of evil here ~rabi. And why are you and Rery here, too ~rabi?
Rery: Because of Queen Aphrodite's orders ~rere. Same reason as yours ~rere.
*Rery, Fary, and Rabirin laugh*
Kanade: It seems that the three of you get along so instantly.
Lala: It makes us so happy ~lun.
Rery: Rabirin shares the same background as me and Fary did ~rere.
Nodoka: So... Since we are all here together, where do you want to go?
Kanade and Lala: Uh?
Kanade: Huh?!
*3 months earlier in the kitchen of Lucky Spoon/Kanade's house*
*Kanade and Misora are washing the dishes*

Misora (Minamino): Kanade, if you want a nicer clothes for college, I suggest you should go to Fairy Drop.
Kanade: Oh, really? Where is that, Mother?
Misora: In Kibougahana. My old classmate told me that it was run by the Kurumi Family.
Kanade: And who are they?
Misora: Sakura and Ryuunosuke. They own the store together.
*flashback ends*
Kanade: I know where to go!
Nodoka: Really?
Kanade: Yes!
Nodoka: Where?
Kanade: My Mother told me that we must go to Fairy Drop. It was located in Kibougahana.
Fary: Is that place far away from here ~fafa?
Kanade: Nope. We will ride on a train to go there faster. It will take us like around 20 minutes to go there. So, are we in?
Nodoka, Lala, Rery, Fary, and Rabirin: Uh...
Lala: I'm in ~lun. I wanna explore the whole Japan ~lun. When I first stepped foot here on Earth, the only town I ever explore is Mihoshi Town ~lun.
Nodoka: Don't worry, Lala. With me and Kanade around, you can explore more about this place.
Kanade: Indeed.
Lala: To be honest, I've never travel the whole Tokyo when I was with my whole Star Twinkle team ~lun. All we just did is to travel from planet to planet to get the Star Pens ~lun.
Kanade: But, Lala, since you aren't required to do that anymore, you are free to do the things you never did while you stayed in Japan 4 years ago.
Lala: Thank you, Nodoka, Kanade.
Rery: What about us ~rere?
Lala: *To Rery, Fary, and Rabirin* Of course I'll include you three. I was motivated to be with you three ~lun.
Fary: Like everyone said, the more the merrier ~fafa.
Rabirin: Very well said, Fary.
Kanade: Let's go to train station!
Nodoka, Lala, Rery, Fary, and Rabirin: Okay!

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