Chapter 4:How many people can stalk a date?

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The Maken-ki's new members were put in a exercise, which constitued of fifty runs around the school, accompanied by Azuki, Kimi and Chacha. Kengo and Takeru were at the end of the group, barely breathing.

Takeru:Do, haaa...we really need to, haaa, do this!?

Azuki:As Maken-ki this is the least we need to do!

Kimi:It shouldn't be too hard, right? Kumagawa-kun is even faster than us second years.

Using their last strenght to look forward the two boys realized Kumagawa really was the first in this running. Takeru remember when they were six and his father tried to teach his smiling childhood friend a judo move, which resulted in the albino child in almost completly shattering his father's wrist.

At a closer look he deduced that even though Kumagawa was faster than the reast, he wasn't taking this seriously. He supposed it was logic, he was a monster even as a child. Shivers ran diwn his spine when he thought of hiw much his physical abilities grew as a tennager.

Kengo:Haaa, a-alright...but the, haaa, guy...beat up Himegami-senpai and casually slapped away a, haaa, colosal bear!

The boys stopped, barely avoiding a oversized red shuriken, which was owned by Chacha. The foreign girl picked it up and looked at them like a predator.

Chacha:And he doesn't have a maken, Kumagawa sure is strong! Yosh, here I come!

The two boys finnaly found the strenght to run again from the fear of lossing their lives. Kumagawa just watched them while whistling a happy tune.

Next were lessons with Furan, assisted by Yuuka. She was explaing about the makens.

Furan:Makens are the objects used to direct our element in combat. Most of them are replicas, there exist eight original makens...Hey!

Furan hit the table with a stick, waking up Takeru and Kengo. They were scared by the angry look she was giving them.

Furan:This is important! Seriously...make fifty runs to wake up!


Takeru:Please, anything but that!


Furan looked exasperated at the two, but she got a little curious when she saw Kumagawa raising his hand. At least someone was listening. She pointed her finger at him.

Furan:Yes, Kumagawa-kun.

Kumagawa:[One of those originals looks very similar with Yuuka-chan's earings. I can only guess, both of you posses one of those original makens?]

Furan:That is...very observant of you. Yes, indeed we each posses one of them.

Yuuka:Hehehe, good job! But I don't think more runs will wake them up. Ah, I know.

Yuuka gained a mischievious look and moved behind Furan. She flipped up her skirt, revealing the president's bear pattern panties, gaining the full attention of Takeru and Kengo.


Takeru:Today is bears!

Kumagawa:[That's surprisingly childish.]

Furan:S-shut up! And you, I can't believe you! When will you stop!?

Kumagawa watched the two interact, a melacholic dmile on his face. Memories flashed before his eyes of when he'd dye Zenkichi's hair and the zero would chase him around, while yelling profanities at him.

Kumagawa:[Ah, good times.]

The next training was meditation. The three boys where sitting on meditation position with Kodama walking around them, while Aki was watching them.

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