Chapter 5:How many puppets do they have?

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Right now, all three childhood friends were present in the Maken-ki's room. Takeru looked at his lunch box in disbelief, Haruko looked away with a huff and Kumagawa was trying to keep himself from exploding in laughter.

Haruko's jelousy seemed to only grow by the day. As a result, Takeru's lunch box was filled with green beans.

Takeru:How mean, Haru-nee! You know that I hate green beans!

Haruko:And I'm trying to get this out of you! Didn't you say you want to become stronger for everyone?

Kumagawa:[First, ditch the glassses. Strong guy with glasses worked for Zenkichi-chan, but it doesn't work for you. And the characters with glasses are alwais smart...I'm sorry. It's never gonna work.]


Uruchi, who was sitting on a corner and watched everything unfold, finnaly stepped forward. She looked at Takeru with a smug look.

Uruchi:He's right, you know?

Takeru:Not you too!

Kumagawa:[You're also not that strong compared with the guys around. You got some of the element of Kai-chan, but that was pure luck and you'd still have been punched to the ground. Should we start the Takeru Protection Squad?]

Uruchi:No, let him die!

Takeru:...I'm getting bullied.

Kumagawa:[Not interesting. But that, that's much more interesting.]

Kumagawa pointed at the window. The other three moved there, from where it can be seen a criwd gathering. Chacha was fighting a guy in arm wrestling, which she won, and it was supervised by Azuki.

Uruchi:Ah, it's the budget again.


Uruchi:A lot of clubs ask fir a increase in their budget. And so, Maken-ki's members face them in matches to shut them up.

Kumagawa:[That's a really efficient system. So that's what you were talking about with Kimi-chan.]

Haruko:Yes, we're bith gonna go deal with a lot of clubs, as are Chacha-san and Azuki-san.

Furan:But that's not the principal problem.

Furan entered the room, with Yuuka behind her giving a friendly wave. The four became serious, with the exception of Kumagawa who replied to Yuuka with a similar wave.

Furan:A large number of students got harrased. They were found quiet injured and none of them could remember anything.

Yuuka:This must be a real troublemaker. And their maken need to be quiet annoying if it can actually erase memories.

Furan:This is a good oportunity for Oyama-san to gather experience. Minaya-san already has experience and Kumagawa-kun has proven to be both an expert in such situations and has a astounishing combat prowess even if he doesn't posses a maken just yet. Can I entrust it to you three?


Takeru:I'll do my best!

Kumagawa:[Well, this should be fun.]

The three left the room. Haruko looked at Takeru's behind a little worried. She's more assured because Kumagawa's gonna be with them.

After a while, Uruchi was looking through a notebook and was cutting off death ends. They have made investigations, but haven't found the culprit yet.

Uruchi:No. Nope. This neither...

Her grip tightened around the pencil until it finnaly broke. She looked with a annoyed face at Takeru, the rumbling of his stomach disturbing her pace.

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