Chapter 7:Transfer students always feature a new arc

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Gen was patrolling the grounds of Tenbi looking for Takeru. However, he had no luck as of yet.

Gen:Where is he? He should be here from what I heard...

Gen's eyes widened when he finally found Takeru. Least to say, it wasn't the kid's best moment.

Takeru was beaten up to a pulp and Haruko was dragging his body around, because his body was too sore to move. Kengo was trailing behind them, a hand scratching the back of his head while sweat rolled off his face, while Kumagawa was eating popcorn next to to Kengo.


Gen:Haruko-chan...What happened to him?

Kengo:He was trying to mediate the fight and his hand slipped on one of the girls's boob. He then was beaten to a pulp by Haruko-senpai. Poor guy...


Kumagawa:[And I was enjoying the show!]

Kengo:Ah...Now I see. Hey, you awake?

Takeru groaned in pain at Gen who just kneeled beside his beaten body. However, the boy's eyes lightened up at the object in Gen's hand.

Takeru:Is that...

Gen:Yeah, it's your Maken.

After giving Takeru the Maken he turned to Kumagawa. Unfourtunately, he didn't have only good news.

Gen:Sorry, kid. Still in working with yours. I try to make a Maken with the data we saved from the machine, but each time they overload and malfunction, ending up with an explosion.

Kumagawa:[Oya? Maybe you weren't as good as you thought?]

Gen:My engeeniring skills are just fine! Is there something about you that you're puposefully not telling me?

He supposed that was to be expected, abnormals were hard to understand to begin with. The fact that minuses like him defy bith logic and physics just makes the situation all the more complicated.

Kumagawa:[Now, now, isn't that too bold? Looking for my basckstory, are you? You're way too eager! You haven't even raised any of my flags yet!]

Gen:...Kid, I just want to make you a Maken. Not to take you to a dinner date.

Kumagawa:[Eh? But aren't you technically our senpai? You won't even treat us to a meal? Look, guys! What a cruel senpai we have...]

Gen:Tch, fine! Keep your secrets...

They conversation was cut short by the loud sound of a helicopter. Looking up they saw a man descending on some sort of stairs that appeared in the air to Minori's office.

Gen:Wha...It's him? What's going on...Kumagawa, Takeru, follow me!


Kumagawa:[Oya? It looks like we're starting a new arc!]

A man with brown hair and blue eyes was trying to get inside Minori's office. His name Kodai Akaya.

 His name Kodai Akaya

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⏰ Last updated: May 12 ⏰

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