Chapter 1:This school might deserve a chance

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The world is populated by human beings. Those human beings are mainly separated into women and men.

Is it right to fight girls? Well, the answer might differ from person to person, really.

Those are such who think you definetly shouldn't fight girls, no matter what. Throught the streets of a certain city in Japan there is a boy who upholds such a thought.

The boy in question has quiet rought looks, although they're a little mellowed diwn by his glasses. He has tan skin with green eyes and orange hair and wears a quiet fancy school uniform.

He was happy

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He was happy. No, ecstasic even. After so much time spend in a boys school, he finnaly managed to enter at a co-ed for his highschool years. Despise his phylosophy of not fighting and hurting women, the freshman had a big libido.

Of course, it'd be hard for him to go to a new school and adapt. Lucky for him that his girl childhood friend, who's also the school's vice-president, was accompanying him.

The girl in question was, of course, wearing the very same uniform in female version. She had long black hair tied in a ponytail, brown eyes and the size of her chest could rival the one of a certain perfect plus's. Her name was Amaya Haruko.

However, those two weren't going alone to this school

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However, those two weren't going alone to this school. They had, in fact, a third childhood friend.

His case was quiet different from Takeru's. While Takeru is enrolling for the girls, he transfers as a third year because of the letter left behind by a certain non-human not-equal who wrote down that this Tenbi Academy could, quote on quote, "be able to amuse him". Which was just like her, really.

This childhood friends of theirs is the reason why they go into the busy part of the city to go straight to his hotel room. Takeru imagined at how smug and how much of a show-off he is he'd stay in a luxury hotel room. He doesn't know, and doesn't really want to know, where does he get so much money.

Opening the door they see all the packed boxes for moving out moved by a boy which would not be expected to have so much strenght from his farme. The boy in question looks very different from Takeru, as while Takeru looks rough he looks quiet feminine. Even bordeline androgynous if you're not close enough. Short shaggy dark blue hair, pale skin white like milk, bright blue eyes and a ever present smile on his face. He was also wearing the Tenbi uniform, albeit with some modifications which he was somehow allowed to make. His name was Kumagawa Misogi.

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