Chapter 10

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"Honey, it has been two weeks since he left. Can't you just at least come out of your room?" My mother yelled from behind my locked door. When Justin left, he took a piece of me with him. It seemed like he took the piece that I needed for my body to function. I do not know why, but I could not encourage myself to do anything. I barely ate, I barely slept, I barely did anything except think. That was the only part of my body that seemed to work.

I know Justin and I did not date that long, but there was something about him that I needed. I earned for his touch. I wanted his hand holding mine. I wanted his warm body holding me. I needed to be with him. I believe that he took my maturity with him, because ever since I have been acting like a stupid, love struck teenage girl.

I sat up in my bed and looked at the time. It was five in the afternoon. I rolled over and stood up. Today I was going to get over him. Today was the day I was going to take back my maturity. I was going to forget about him. That is what I need to do. I need to forget about him. I got dressed and opened the door. "Finally you decide to grow up!" My mother said as she looked at me.

I looked at her. I pushed passed her and walked down stairs to the kitchen. I grabbed an apple and bit into it. "Look who decided to get over her little foreign love affair!" Kara, my older sister said. Apparently she had been out back lunging, because she was sweaty. She had nappy helmet hair.

I looked at her and gagged at the look of her nasty self. She gave me a menacing stare. "Shut up, loser." She said angrily.

I took another bite then threw the apple on the counter. I walked back upstairs and sat back down on my bed. My mother walked in and stared. "Oh, no you don't. You are not going back to this stage. You are going to do something. I want you to go into town. So take a bath, get dressed, and wear something nice. Don't forget to smile so that everyone thinks you are okay." My mother said pushing me into my bathroom and basically stripping me.

I took a bath, and got dressed. My mother French braided my hair, and I headed off into town. She gave me a list of the things she wanted me to do. She wanted me to read to some little children at the local hospital. She wanted me to get a cake made for my father. She wanted an awful lot of things. I did most of them, then took a break. I went to the park and sat in on a bench facing a large creek.

I looked around at the dogs that people brought. Some were cute. Others were large and scary. Two weeks ago this town was dark and dirty. Now this town radiates with excitement. It is brighter, and livelier than before. I have never seen so much happiness before. Everyone talked to everyone. Gardiners watered the flower beds. Butterflies flew around. This looked almost surreal. I have never seen this before. It was a stranger to me. How could anything be this bright and happy? Just looking around made me happy.

"You look confused." A strange voice rang out.

I turned around to see a handsome guy about my age. "What makes you say that?"

"You had this dark look on your face when you first sat down. Now you seem to have a happy expression but in a painful way." He said sitting down.

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