Chapter 7

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The next morning my mother was talking to Mrs. Branson in the kitchen. I creaked down the stairs and listened in. "I need her to stay here. Her grandparents are in Unway helping the wounded. They are going to be there for a while. If we don't come to get her before school starts, please enroll her. It doesn't look like we will be back for her before then. She needs to stay safe. If we all die, we know that she will be a great queen. If you have trouble with her, mix these pills in her drink. Just one will knock her out for twelve hours. I have to leave. Whatever you do, just make sure she is safe. Make sure she doesn't do anything stupid." My mother said.

I quietly ran upstairs to my room. I sat on my bed. There was no way I was going to stay here. I know she wants me to stay until the war ends. She wants to keep me safe, and away from a world of war. I got up and ran downstairs. "MOTHER!" I yelled angrily.

She appeared at the bottom of the stairs. "Honey, is everything alright?"

I looked at her and frowned. "Are you crazy? You are going to really leave me... without saying goodbye? Is that how you feel?" I said trying to sound less upset by her decision.

She smiled. "Honey, of course I was going to say goodbye. I am sorry. I am guessing you heard?"

I nodded. "Yes, every word. Why doesn't anyone tell me anything? I am an adult, I can handle news now. It is not like I will be stupid and commit a crime if anyone ever told me anything." I said getting upset about something else.

She looked at me. "Honey, I know, and I am very sorry." She said walking out the door.

I slammed the door shut, and stomped up to my room. I took off my pajamas, and threw on jeans and a t-shirt. I walked to Kiel's room. I opened the door to find him still asleep. "Kiel..." I said shaking him.

His eyes flew open. "What? What is it?"

"Can I barrow a car?" I asked.

He sat up and looked at me strangely. "Do you have a license?"

"Your mother took me to see if my license from Unway would work. The lady just told me to fill out some paper work and I got a real American license. So, yes I do have one."

He pointed to a wall where several keys hung on a hook. "Take whichever one you want. Just do not kill my baby." He said as he plopped back down.

I took the keys that looked like they went to his corvette. I ran to the garage and pushed the unlock button to find they went to a red Camaro. I shrugged then got in. I drove to Justin's house. When I got there, there was a strange black suburban parked outside. I slowly went to the porch and peeped in the window. Justin, and Amanda were tied to chairs. Four men from last night stood around them. One was looking in the fridge.

I went to the door and knocked. "Who... Who is it?" Justin's voice quivered.

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