Chapter 2

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I woke up in the backseat of some car. I slowly sat up and saw that I was in a place I had never seen before. There were fields of cows everywhere. Tall, untarnished grass filled the empty earth. The car came to a stop in front of a large stone two story house. Two older people came out onto the porch. The man was tall and bulky. He had a head of thin gray hair. The woman had shoulder length brown hair. She was short and petite. She was beautiful, even with wrinkles under her eyes. She looked just like my mother. This had to be my grandmother. I started bawling as soon as I made the connection.

She immediately rushed up to me and embraced me. "It is okay sweetheart, we won't hurt you. There is no need to cry. You will soon be with your mother and father again. This is just temporary."

I looked up and wiped my tears. I nodded. Apparently she had not been informed yet. The men who drove me here left. I went inside the house with my grandparents. The inside looked like the cabin in a picture that my mother showed me once. This was the place where she grew up. It looked like a cottage my family owned. It was gorgeous. Straight in front of me were glass French doors that opened out onto a large back porch. The porch looked out onto a beautiful lake, with Blue Mountains in the distance. This place reminded me so much of my mother.

"Honey, would you like some lunch?" A sweet voice asked.

I turned around and shook my head. I was not in the mood to eat anything. They knew I needed to settle down, so they showed me to my room upstairs. It was a dark purple color. It was one of my favorite colors. The accents in the room were black. The curtains were blue, the bed skirt was black, and the furniture was black, too. The room was amazing. My room back home was more innocent. This room was more invigorating. I had a room with the view of the lake, and mountains.

"Bridget, we are going to the store, would you like to come with us?" My grandmother asked.

I shook my head. When they left I snooped around. I found a box of pictures downstairs in a storage room. I looked through them all. I found a picture of my mother and her four other sisters. I found another picture of my mother when she was a baby. My grandmother and my mother were in a picture with some other man I did not know. I kept snooping through the box of pictures. I found a letter addressed to my grandmother, but it was for my mother.

Dear Ava,

This letter is for you when you are old enough to know your family heritage. I, your father, want you to know that I did not abandon you. Your mother and I had our separate lives to fulfill. She had to finish college, and I had to become the king of Ireland. In case she has not told you the story, I will. We met her senior year of college. It was summer, and she had just finished her junior year. She wanted to get out and enjoy the world before she had to become a true adult. She came to Ireland. We ran into each other when her date that came with her to Ireland bailed. He broke it off with her. He took her ride and left her to walk home alone in the dark, with it pouring rain. I had drove past her and noticed she had no clue where she was going. I gave her a ride and we instantly fell in love. For the next two months we were planning to get married. Of course she was not royal, so my mother stepped in and broke it off before it could advance. The next summer she visited again with you, and I knew I had made a mistake. I wanted to keep both of you here with me. We spent the whole summer together. I was stupid and had not told her that I was engaged to the princess of Scotland. When she found out she flipped. I tried to fix it, and break it off with the princess for her. Baily told me that she needed to continue on with life. Come to find out after I married the princess, my mother forced Baily to tell me that.

I just thought I would tell you our story, so you wouldn't think that I was the type of father to leave their beautiful child. I am sorry I cannot be there to watch you grow up, but I hope you will visit me when you get older so I can see how great of a woman you have grown into.

Love always

Your Father,

Prince Edmond

I sat there in shock. My mother had never told me that her father was the king of Ireland. She has never even mentioned anything about her past. I kept the picture of my mother as a little girl, and the letter from her real father. When my grandmother got home I was waiting on the couch. "Oh, hello sweetie. Is everything okay?" She asked.

"Can you tell me about my mother? She has never told me about her past." I asked in my normal English accent.

She sat down beside me and smiled. "This could be long." She laughed.

"Is everything explained in this letter to her?" I asked.

Her eyes widened. "Where did you get that?"

"I was being nosy and found a box of pictures in the basement storage room. I was looking through them when I found this letter. She never told me anything about any of her family."

My grandmother looked behind her in the kitchen where grandpa was putting up the groceries. "Come with me." She said as she led me upstairs to a room that looked like another picture I saw downstairs. "This was your mother's room when she was growing up. I left it the way she had it when she left for her trip across the ocean. I knew once she met your father that she would not come back. Of course the same thing happened with her and your father. His mother stepped in and tried to end their relationship. When she called and told me this I told her the whole story about her real father. She was upset with me, but she fought for your father. Once they got married, she quit talking to me.

"She has never forgiven me for not telling her the truth. I was surprised she sent you here to live with me. I just wish she would forgive me. There is so much I need to tell her. I just want to tell her everything."

"Did they tell you?"

She looked at me questioningly. "Tell me what, dear?"

"When I boarded the plane to head here, these men in black ski masks killed her."

Grandmother gasped. She covered her mouth and looked sick. "Did you see this?"

I nodded. "That is why I am so interested in my mother's past. I want to know everything. I want to know everything about her that she kept a secret from me for nineteen years. I want to know."

Grandmother paced the floor, still shocked. "There really isn't anything to tell. When I broke the news to her, she went to Scotland. She found her father and stayed there with him for about two weeks. She never actually got this letter like she was supposed to. I wanted to protect her from the royal family. She met her other half siblings. Her father had other children with the princess who is now the queen."

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