Lust to Love to Loss

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We were sitting on the beach I could faintly see his soft features. The moonlight made his skin look pale and his eyes a bright, multidimensional green. There was an awkward silence in the air so I spoke up.

"If we're going to be friends, I think I should tell you my story." I said quietly.

"I agree Corinne. It'd be nice to have a friend this summer."

I took a deep breathe and prepared for tears, judgement, or both. "Okay well first I should start with how surprised I am at my cousin. She's a totally different person. Then there's my mom.....she always has wanted me to be perfect. Perfect body, personality, friends, clothes, you name it she expects me to be it as long as its perfect. Here's the reason why...." I took a deep breathe, this was the hardest part, "Last year, we were driving home from Walmart. The roads were busy and crowded. My parents were driving as carefully as possible but we were hit on the side by a much larger truck. My 8-year old sister was killed on impact and my father has post traumatic stress disorder. I cried for 8 hours. I had nightmares for 5 months. I kept regretting that I hadn't sat in the seat she was sitting in. I regretted everything that happened da-" I didn't want to cry in front of Harry but I couldn't help it. I broke down into sobs I cried for like five minutes. He just kinda sat there, awkwardly rubbing my back. When I was done crying. We returned to the silence.

"'s probably late...." Harry said.


As we walked down the beach I watched the waves. Suddenly Harry pulled me into a hug. I was stunned we had just met two nights ago but I hugged back. This boy was mysterious I liked him but I friend-zoned him. I was too afraid to fall again.

I woke up late this morning. Very late like 1. Me and Harry had talked until 4. As I made a sandwich I thought about last night. Harry had really opened up to me. Last night when he finally broke the silence after my tears had dried. He told me about his life. He had four older sisters who weren't at the house this summer, Dani, Lana, Megan, and Tiffany...they were all taking summer courses at Harvard. His dad, Des, was a lawyer and his mom, Anne, was basically a housewife. His dad believed that money and having money was important. You had to act "high class" in his family, go to "high class" colleges, etc.. His dad was also abusive because Harry didn't want what his father wanted. Nobody knew except me, his dad, his mom, and him.

That night we met up again. It was really warm right then. Suddenly, Harry stood up.

"Let's go for a swim." He said.

"What?! Are you crazy?!"

"It's fun. Trust me I've done it before."

I don't even have my suit..." He turned to me and looked me down. I knew what he meant.

"No! God no! I'm not going skinny dipping!"

He laugh and ran for the water, the last thing I saw was him ripping his shirt off and then I closed my eyes. I heard his deep laugh and loud splashing, I couldn't help but laugh.

"The waters amazing!" Harry yelled. I opened my eyes and saw him jumping and swimming. It was hilarious.

"Maybe some other time!" I replied. I watched him for awhile. He looked so happy and free. Maybe I'll go night swimming with Harry. Not skinny dipping but in my suit...? maybe. I was glad I had found someone like Harry. He was so nice and carefree.

The next day Natalie, Jenny, Rachel(some friend of Jenny's), and I were tanning on the deck-let me remind you that the deck at this house was HUGE-after awhile Rachel spoke up.

"Ugh, I can't stand tanlines!" With those words she ripped off her top.

"I agree!" Natalie and Jenny chimed in. I could see Jenny doing something so outrageous but Natalie....? I never saw it coming. I laid there stunned.....they laid there waiting for me to take it off. Just as I was about to get up to go swimming when I noticed a figure walking up the beach. It was Harry. I could see his features now. Curly brown hair, stunning green eyes, a mix between a muscular and lean body. My breathe hitched, probably because he was so stunning....I mean I couldn't be falling in love with someone I barely knew. Then I remembered he was walking up the beach................and my cousins were topless. Shit.

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