Lust to Love to Loss

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I left in three days. Harry left in a week. I had to at least see him one more time. Hear his voice. Feel his kiss. Feel his arms around me. Hear his comforting words. Hear his laugh. Do it one more time. I missed him so much.

Suddenly my phone buzzed, I looked at it hopefully.

'Meet at 11 tonight.' From Harry. My heart raced. I would finally be able to see him. It was 6 so I walked downstairs for dinner. After a really good meal made by my uncle-fresh sea bass that he had caught that day- we went out on the deck and talked till dark. I went to my room after saying goodnight, since it was almost 10 and I had to be on time. I couldn't miss my last chance with him.

I put the usual on-sweats and flip flops- and after checking the forecast I grabbed an umbrella, seeing as it was supposed to rain. At 10:45 I climbed out of my window. I walked to the usual spot and sat in the sand, waiting for Harry. At 11:02 I saw Harry's silhouette. My heart began to race and I stood up. Suddenly, a shot of anger and hurt rushed through my veins.

"Hey." He said.

"Hi." I replied coldly.

"Listen, I'm sorry I left you so in the dark the past two weeks." I felt the harsh patter of rain on my head and in the water.

"You said goodbye Harry. I couldn't believe the words even escaped your lips. I loved you Harry and I thought you loved me. I really did. You left me all alone with no one to hug, kiss, talk to. I felt like dying. You'll say you felt the same way but you didn't you were the one who broke it off. I sat right here and cried every single night without you. I thought about us. I tried calling, texting, facebooking, voicemails. You never answered...." I trailed off. Tears were in my eyes just waiting to fall. Harry tried to pull me into a hug, the tears began flowing. I roughly pushed him away, "You left me alone! You abandoned me! I thought we said we'd push through it all, we'd fight for each other! YOU LIED TO ME." I screamed through the tears. He grabbed my face and kissed me but I wasn't falling for it. I pulled away and slapped him across the face.

"Corinne, please calm down." He said cradling his cheek.

"No!" He grabbed me, pulling my body in his arms, crushing me so I couldn't move, and sitting down in the sand with me. After a few minutes of fighting I gave in and sobbed.

"Shhhhhhhhhh.....I'm here now. I promise....." He said over and over in my ear. I turned to him and kissed him with all I had. What I had waited to do for two weeks. He pulled away after a few seconds and stood.

"I leave in three days. Let's swim in the rain while we can." He pulled his clothes off and waded into the water, waiting for me. I followed suit and joined him. After a few minutes, he started to swim out farther. We were already up to our chest, so I warned him to be careful.

"I'll be fine!" He said, chuckling. I was worried, though. He needed to be careful. Soon, after yelling back and forth to each other, how he was fine, etcetera, I was starting to feel relieved.

Then he stopped talking.

"Harry?!" No answer.

"HARRY!!!" No answer.

"HAROLD EDWARD STYLES!!!!!" Still no answer. I switched to panic mode.

I heard my name faintly.

"Corinne..." It was Harry's, "help!"..................................................................................................................................HELP. He was drowning.


Hey guys! This next chapter will be the last. I hoped you enjoyed and I will try and update asap. :)

Comment if you have any suggestions for my next book, please!

Also, just so you know.......I'm not saying this is how Harry Styles would act like this about anything. I was just using my IMAGINATION. Thanks! :)

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