Lust to Love to Loss

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I woke up on the floor. I guess I fell off my bed while I was sleeping...probably because my dream was so vivid. It started off with Noah apologizing, then Harry jumped in and punched him in the face. Noah turned and beat the shit out of Harry. I was screaming and crying for them to stop but they wouldn't. I was too scared to jump in. Harry got up off the ground, blood was everywhere, bruises were already starting to form. Noah was laughing at me and Harry. Then Noah advanced towards me and started to repeat his earlier actions. That was when I woke up. I was drenched in sweat, tangled in my blankets, on the floor. I stared at my ceiling hoping the dream would erase from my mind. But it didn't. I walked to the bathroom and realized how terrible I looked. I brushed my hair and teeth, bracing myself for Natalie's dirty looks. I walked down the stairs and grabbed some cereal, it was when I say down that I realized how late it was. 2:30. Where was everyone? I checked rooms, garages, the beach. Then I found Natalie in the water. I was surprised she was usually tanning. She walked up the beach and walked strait past me.

Silent treatment. Wonderful. Ever since I came here she's been one of the popular bitches at school. You know who I mean. The girls who have their own table, talk really loud, wear too much makeup. But the problem was, my cousin isn't like this. I wished she the same way he was when we were younger, carefree. I hurt knowing she was blaming me for her own mistakes. I didn't get gangbanged, high, and grounded for life last night. I stood there a moment waiting for her to be gone. Then I got an idea.

I walked down the beach searching for Harry's house. I knocked on his door and his mother answered.

"Hi, I'm Corinne....a friend of Harry's." She smiled warmly.

"Hello, Harry is up in his room." She motioned to the stairs and gave me directions. Damn, the house was huge. I heard soft classical music and knew I was close to his room. I knocked on the door, which was halfway open.

"Come in." He said. When I walked in he smiled, setting down his paintbrush. Wow, I didn't realize that he liked to paint!

"Harry they're beautiful!"

"Really? I didn't think so.....I mean I could do better and my dad hates them......."

"Harry shut the hell up they're amazing." He smiled and continued painting. I just watched him paint for awhile until my phone buzzed.

'Time to come home. Dinner's ready. ~love mom'

"Damn it," I mumbled, "Harry, I gotta go."

"Darn, well text me tonight." I nodded and left the house. I walked home was greeted by an angry mom.

"Where have you been all day?!" She yelled.

"I went down for a walk."

"For two hours?!"

"A girl can't relax?! Mom I went for a walk. I wanted to be alone, to think."

"Bullshit. You just don't want to be with your family!"

"Mom I've been hanging out with everyone since we got here." She rolled her eyes and motioned for me to sit down.

I was sitting by Natalie, who was flashing me dirty looks every chance she got. Same with my mother. I couldn't believe she was that pissed over something like that. We were finishing our s'mores when my aunt spoke;

"Time for bed kids!" I checked my phone:11:30. Harry's going to wonder where I was. I sent him a text saying I'd be down on the beach in 20 minutes at the usual place.

As soon as I was sure everyone was sleeping, I left for the beach. An awkward silence settled down over me and Harry once I got to our usual spot. We hadn't discussed the kiss today when we hung out, for fear that his parents might overhear us. I was just waiting for him to say something but I decided to speak up since he wouldn't.

"So how long have you liked me?" Woah that sounded bitchy.

"Ever since the moment we first really had a conversation." I smiled. I had to admit, he was charming. No, no, no, he wasn't charming just nice like a friend. Charming is a word you use with someone you have a crush on.

"Oh I see..." Then he leaned in closer...I pulled back and laughed awkwardly.

"Harry I'm not sure if I feel that way about you....." He nodded in understanding and I was pretty sure I made him sad. Dang it.....

"So do you have your suit tonight?" He said.

"Actually, yes I do."

"Pussy." He mumbled. I laughed he was a funny guy, I didn't understand how Rachel could've done what she did to him....that sounded like I had a crush on him...

As we waded out into the water I felt the cold water around my legs, the sand between my toes, and......Harry's hand in mine......WHAT?! I started to pull back; "no it's not like that, Corinne. You've never really done this before." We'll now I felt like an ass.


"Be careful, this part has slippery sand." He said clutching my hand tighter. I was scared this was my first time night swimming but I couldn't back down now. I had to do this just so I could shove it in his face later. Swimming like this was exhilarating. There was a full moon, so naturally the water reflected everything. It was more standing than swimming because we didn't want to get lost. We watched large boats go by, their lights glistening on the Atlantic. We walked back assuming it was like 3. We said our goodbyes and after a quick hug we went our separate ways. I felt lost as I climbed into bed. Harry was charming but we would be going back to our homes in 2 months. Harry to Cheshire and me to Georgia. That's a distance. I couldn't decide, maybe Brandon would've realized how much he wanted me back by the time I go home. I was confused. I was frustrated. I needed sleep.

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